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Hypermotard Forum

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  1. duc

    New to the forum

    Hi Jim, welcome to the Hyperstrada Forum! Happy to have you join our family! Have a pic of the bike with the saddlebags?
  2. duc

    New Ducati rider from Canada

  3. duc

    New HS bought 14 Mar

    Welcome to the Hyperstrada family!
  4. duc

    Apa khabar? Che Wah from Malaysia

    Hello Che Wah, welcome to the Hyperstrada family!
  5. duc

    Kimi from Malaysia

    Welcome Kimi! How's the riding in Malaysia? Is the Hyperstrada your first Ducati?
  6. duc

    New to Forum

    Welcome to the Hyperstrada family, happy to have you join us! If you have any questions, please post them up so we can help you out. How's the Ducati service and support channels where you're at in Texas?
  7. duc

    heated Gear - yes or no?

    For those that ride in the cold, do you use heated gear? What kind of heated gear do you have and recommend? Or what is it that you still need?
  8. duc

    favorite Ducati from the 1990's?

    What was your favorite Ducati from the 1990's? That's 1990-1999... What did you have during those years? And which one was your favorite?
  9. duc

    New member from Middle East

    Welcome to the Hyperstrada Forum!
  10. duc

    Hello from Tokyo!

    Welcome to the Hyperstrada Forum! Which motorcycle(s) do you ride?
  11. duc

    Hello from Boston, USA

    Welcome to the Hyperstrada Forum!
  12. duc

    The Blue Beauty's first mountain run! *PHOTOS*

    Moved to Ride Reports. And wow oh wow, I'm really enjoying your blue Hyperstrada! Keep the updates coming please! And I agree with you that this is better than a Diavel for these kinds of rides!
  13. duc

    Hey new here from Madrid Spain

    Welcome to the Hyperstrada Forum!
  14. duc

    Newbie from England

    Welcome to the Hyperstrada Forum!