Sorry, gents, for the spam. I've been logging on every day, cleaning it up and banning the spambots.
I'm going to upgrade the registration process to prevent this from continuing to happen. Argh! I hate spambot just as much as you guys do!
Welcome to the Hyperstrada forum!
That's awesome that you're going to be the first Hyperstrada owner in Hawaii!
Is it just the one Ducati dealer that serves all the island of Hawaii?
Hi Marco, welcome to the Hyperstrada Forum!
Looks like you're working your way through the Ducati lineup lol...
Would love to see some pics from the Ducati store in Italy if you have some!
Luggage system on the Ducati Hyperstrada, shown at the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle. Each piece of luggage has one of these brand new locks inside, designed to secure the zippers on the luggage together. I pulled it out of the bag to take this close up picture.
Luggage system on the Ducati Hyperstrada, shown at the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle. The classic luggage system attached to the Hyperstrada.
Luggage system on the Ducati Hyperstrada, shown at the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle. The attached label inside, at the bottom, of the luggage.
Luggage system on the Ducati Hyperstrada, shown at the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle. This is the dry waterproof bag. Super simple and easy to use... put your items inside the bag, roll the top over, buckle it to keep it all enclosed, and you're items won't get wet. I've used these kind o
Luggage system on the Ducati Hyperstrada, shown at the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle. When you unzip the luggage, you can see there are some strap fastener systems, and each piece of luggage contained a dry waterproof bag and a lock to secure the zippers together on the luggage.
Luggage system on the Ducati Hyperstrada, shown at the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle. Here you can see the zippers together when the luggage is zipped up. The luggage is not hard shell, but it is very stiff and water resistant.