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  1. gatdammit

    CEL light randomly glowing

    My mechanic still says it's related to the servo delete, even though I have the servo spoofer plug. He said he would need the entire OEM kit back to do some reset with the full servo motor. Also have CEL "ENGINE". Have had it for years and has no noticeable affect on operation.
  2. gatdammit

    Hydraulic Clutch Issue

    I'm at a loss. Rebuilt and bled about 1/4 pint of new fluid through it. Prepping/purging the slave confirmed all the seals are good. Still had a few bubbles towards the end but tension in the lever felt very good. Used full throw of lever. Upon first test, same. I pumped the lever in...
  3. gatdammit

    Hydraulic Clutch Issue

    The slave came apart as I removed it. Like, the case came off and the piston assembly stayed somewhat attached to the rod. This could be bad seals or it was just under pressure (didn't release pressure first). Just gonna clean and lube, maybe replace the spring since I might have a good...
  4. gatdammit

    Hydraulic Clutch Issue

    I'm not sure but have determined it's definitely the slave cylinder or pushrod actuation. There is no leak. I don't recall a pin on the rod. Adjusting the lever throw all the way out helps, so it seems I'm not getting enough travel on the pushrod (the tremendous adjustment range of my ASV...
  5. gatdammit

    Adventures in Hypermotard Tuning...

    I got my RB Evo for $500 in 2015. It was even sold by a somewhat shady eBay dealer but Dimsport checked that it was a legit model through the serial #. Why wouldn't you want total tuning control for nearly the money you would spend on a single flash? I can't leave the bitch alone so flash was...
  6. gatdammit

    Adventures in Hypermotard Tuning...

    Won't comment on flash or tuner. Plenty of threads and personal bias on this forum to influence you. Will say that most of us in some state of tune have played with the O2's. My tuner will bypass them if I choose and connected or disconnected (physically) made no difference. Some with more...
  7. gatdammit

    Hydraulic Clutch Issue

    It stopped raining and I can definitely now smell a fluid dripping on the engine or burning on some other hot part. There's only like a 10" section I can't inspect that runs through the frame. This is perplexing...
  8. gatdammit

    Lithium Battery on Hyperstrada

    It's not performance, per se. Handles amazing in all condition. But if I gently tug on the bars at speed with just a couple fingers, they twist effortlessly, like the front tire is just skimming the tarmac. Modifiers - 95% of the time I have 10+ lbs in the bags, Touring screen, Not a small...
  9. gatdammit

    Lithium Battery on Hyperstrada

    I've been wanting to do this since installing my rear shock. When I press it really hard, the performance is there. However, easy to moderate driving (just cruising down the highway and hit a bump or long sweeper with imperfection somewhere) it feels like it's fighting the front end. It's a...
  10. gatdammit

    Lithium Battery on Hyperstrada

    As light and sensitive as the front end is at speed, I've never had a tank slapper. I feel like I could easily induce one, however. My '00 R6 was dropped an inch or so on the forks. I got tank slappers often. Only benefit was I learned letting go of the bars was the safest way to get them to...
  11. gatdammit

    Hydraulic Clutch Issue

    Nik - It's a very low shelf Brembo with full metal box reservoir integrated into the lever assembly. Spitting image of the OEM brake system. I'll probably pull the whole thing apart this weekend. Not finding an obvious leak has me scratching my head.
  12. gatdammit

    Hydraulic Clutch Issue

    I installed myself and was confident fluid couldn't get past the actuator-to-pushrod junction. I'll check the slave but there is no fluid leaks anywhere. I had some funny smells coming from engine but I just cleaned it recently and thought it was my polish burning off, common from overspray on...
  13. gatdammit

    Hydraulic Clutch Issue

    Nick - It's Ducabike kit, not Ducati. The lines are nothing fancy but the slave is very high quality. Tim - I didn't even think about adjusting the throw. My ASV shorty's are adjusted pretty close to the knuckle. Either way, I have a leak for sure. Reservoir was at min when I rode home...
  14. gatdammit

    Hydraulic Clutch Issue

    Team Strada, Have a strange issue with my clutch. It's a hyd swap on 2013 and I've been running it for a year without issue. Recently, I noticed difficult engagement in the low gears nearing the end of my route. I have to stop and show a badge and new right away my clutch was gone. Pushed...
  15. gatdammit

    Lithium Battery on Hyperstrada

    Good point about where you save the weight. I typically carry about 10 lbs in the bags and this bike is already very light in the nose, especially at highway speed (give those bars a little tap at 80+ mph...and I have a steering damper). I've had the same shorai for over 6 years and have always...
  16. gatdammit

    iwp 227 injector

    Cool. Do all the hard work and I'll copy you, as per usual!
  17. gatdammit

    Lithium Battery on Hyperstrada

    If you're not in a very cold riding environment, I don't see the benefit of keeping an AGM. They have stronger cold cranking performance, especially in cold weather but, that's it. The Li's hold charge much longer for temporary storage concerns (like you park your bike and take a work trip for...
  18. gatdammit

    iwp 227 injector

    You think the tuner could handle increased fuel rate? Would the OEM pump push more fuel?
  19. gatdammit

    iwp 227 injector

    Burak, Sorry for your trouble. I've been on this forum since inception and cannot ever remember a post of injector issues. I, personally, recommend a can of Sea Foam fuel treatment for every oil change. You can do a deeper intake system clean but it requires the aerosol version and a more...
  20. gatdammit

    Adventures in Hypermotard Tuning...

    Tim, I performed this hidden menu function. It was a little slow to populate on my program, so just keep doing the "SHIFT, click" step until it works. Hard to see, but the 'Filtering Type' has little up/down arrows to adjust above the value box. did nothing. I'm still battling...