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  1. jerdog53

    Hyperstrada Photo Thread

    Joe I take it you wouldn't ride the thing in the dirt as I do?
  2. jerdog53

    Hyperstrada Photo Thread

    Looks like TCK80 to me!!
  3. jerdog53

    For Sale Parting 2013 Hypermotard

    Actually don't need the dash so just the Header please.
  4. jerdog53

    For Sale Parting 2013 Hypermotard

    Could I get the lower forward header pipe and maybe the dash?
  5. jerdog53

    For Sale Parting 2013 Hypermotard

    Can I get the mounts off your old beat up ones?
  6. jerdog53

    Hyperstrada Offroad Riding Technique Tips

    I've ridden mine off road a LOT! It is what it is. Dirty Ducati and Cobdr
  7. jerdog53

    Hello from New Orleans

    Biloxi is in the middle!
  8. jerdog53

    Hello from New Orleans

    Hello from Mobile!
  9. jerdog53

    Hazy/ Crazed Dash Repair

    I need to do this to mine, I can hardly read it.
  10. jerdog53

    Odometer flashing dashes

    Mines doing that now...
  11. jerdog53

    Crash Bars, what is in the works ??

    Not that i've seen
  12. jerdog53

    Hyperstrada problem list

    How many have had issues with the side stand switch? I believe mine is on the fritz....
  13. jerdog53

    Howdy from Denver, CO

    Welcome Alex! We should get together and ride!
  14. jerdog53

    What'd you do to your Hyperstrada today?

    You will have problems with it, they don't like the cold.
  15. jerdog53

    Want To Buy Exhaust

    I have a low milage OEM unit.
  16. jerdog53

    Hyperstrada Photo Thread

    Nice Jim!