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  1. jerdog53

    12v outlets

    No that's what I have installed, granted it was 5 years ago but as i recall it is. I ride my bike all the time so I've never had it kill the battery.
  2. jerdog53

    Fork upgrade for Hyperstrada

    Look @danv somebody else told you the same thing!
  3. jerdog53

    12v outlets

    Something like this amazon-Connectors-Terminal-Motorcycle
  4. jerdog53


    Sorry I have already sourced one, but thanks!
  5. jerdog53

    Hyperstrada 821 vs BMW R 1200 GS

    The fires were terrible this year!
  6. jerdog53

    Hyperstrada 821 vs BMW R 1200 GS

    That route is not as troublesome as you might think. Mostly gravel roads with some rocks in spots.
  7. jerdog53

    High flow intake

    Okay so it looks pretty but dose it perform better? What are the performance gains?
  8. jerdog53

    Hyperstrada 821 vs BMW R 1200 GS

    I did the Colorado Back country discovery route two years ago on the Hyper and it did just fine being ridden by me. I think you'll be fine riding with them big stupid GS's... We should ride one day.
  9. jerdog53

    parts needed

    They are essentially brand new, I'll get some pictures
  10. jerdog53

    parts needed

    I have both hand guards
  11. jerdog53

    19" Front Wheel

    I'm interested to see how this turns up
  12. jerdog53

    parts needed

    Is this guy still your buddy? When you say brush guard do you mean hand guard?
  13. jerdog53


    Well thanks for looking!
  14. jerdog53


  15. jerdog53

    Want To Buy 821 Stock exhaust

    Are you looking for just the can or the whole exhaust, pipes and all?
  16. jerdog53


    Yes I know you have the left.....
  17. jerdog53


    Looking for some stock (OEM) mirrors specifically the right side. I know a lot of you replace the stockers with something more sexy so give them up!
  18. jerdog53

    4th of July Road Trip (SF, CA -> Grand Lake, CO)

    Looks like fun! I'm in Denver you make it to town hit me up we'll have beer!
  19. jerdog53

    Africa twin

    Sadly its a thumper
  20. jerdog53

    For those that upgraded to LED headlight bulbs

    What LED bulb did you buy? My Cyclops LED bulb works as advertised with no high beam issues.