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  1. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    Success! Got out for a 75 mile ride yesterday. I have adjustable hand levers, and the clutch was set at the closest setting before, 1 out of 6. After getting the free play about right (didn't need to touch the mid-cable adjuster), I found that I had to go to setting 4 to get into neutral...
  2. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    Absolutely, yes. Smooth as glass. What a difference, makes me think that someone in Ducati's engineering management made a big mistake. Fork service next Tuesday, first thing in the morning. I've only got about 8 miles on the new clutch, will report when I get it back on the road.
  3. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    Got a quick test ride in, and the bike has been transformed. Still a bit reluctant to find neutral, but it got better. Thanks again for this, Kuksul. Now she's waiting for her new fork seals. Looking forward to some great rides.
  4. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    It's always something... I got the bike out for a very brief test ride. Shifted through the gears okay, but couldn't get into neutral at a stop. Started tightening the adjuster, got there once, but the free play was inadequate. So I increased the (aftermarket) lever reach and it got better...
  5. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    I've got more if you need them... the 2015 parts list should be what you want. I got the bike back together after returning from the bike show, but found a small o-ring under the bench... the inner from the brake lever pivot shaft. So that needs to be replaced before I get a test ride. But...
  6. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    Hmm, I put them in under the springs. Didn't think they would stay centered under the pusher plate. I'm about to apply the sealant and button up the cover. Then we're off to the bike show in Long Beach. It should be ready to fill and test tomorrow. I'll post my results.
  7. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    I was quoted $400 for the job at my dealer. It isn't really all that hard, at least so far. Doing final assembly next, might do a trial fitting to make sure the clutch operates properly, before applying the sealant. PS I used a spoke wrench from my wheelbuilding on those tiny 3mm nuts...
  8. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    A few comments I'm 3/4 of the way done with the installation, and wanted to point out a couple of things. There is very little clearance for pulling the cam belt cover fastener behind the exhaust. I have a gunsmith ratchet driver that takes an allen bit about 1/2" long, that helped. I'm at...
  9. zippy49

    2015 Clutch Kits Now Available

    Thanks Kuksul, order placed. Got a comment... arranging the plates as the service manual shows puts the sharp edge of the anti-judder spring against the aluminum hub face. That would produce more wear than if it was against the steel plate, as in "C" the "conventional" arrangement. And I am...
  10. zippy49

    Ducati Hypermotard 821 clutch fix - the definitive guide

    So, by "first" you mean counting from the outside. But when assembling this pack it is really "last." Just a bit confusing.
  11. zippy49

    2013-2014 Clutch Retrofit Kit Interest List!!!

    Great write-up. Thanks for this!
  12. zippy49

    2013-2014 Clutch Retrofit Kit Interest List!!!

    I intend to look closely at the old plates, and measure the stack for wear. Then choose.
  13. zippy49

    FS: 2013 "Blue Beauty" Hyperstrada - The most beautiful Hyper in the world!

    What makes me laugh is the inflated prices... the owner couldn't install this (mostly) useless bling himself? Talk about living in la la land... :rolleyes:
  14. zippy49

    Which Battery? Li-Iron? Favs, experiences?

    Ditto, except I've had mine for four years now. I don't ride the Strada all that often any more, and it does not self-discharge nearly as much as the AGM type. So I don't have to keep my bikes on Tenders, although I rotate a mini between them sporadically. As for size and rating, the...
  15. zippy49

    Do you have roads like this??? Ebbetts Pass Ride Video

    Last time I was riding in OR they had a 55 mph speed limit on all two lane roads. We get a bit more leeway down south. And northwestern OR is pretty much desert. That said, I had more than one OHP ignore us on our '08 Road Glide, doing 10 - 15 over. They were pulling sportbikes over right...
  16. zippy49

    Great article - Pirelli Diablo Rosso III - Tech Aspects

    I get 3000 miles out of a set of Q3s, mostly back road riding. My next set will be the new Q3+. Rossos are fine for the little bikes that need a 110 front, like our 390 Duke and the Hawk GT I just finished.
  17. zippy49

    2013-2014 Clutch Retrofit Kit Interest List!!!

    Excellent, thanks in advance Kuksul.
  18. zippy49

    What'd you do to your Hyperstrada today?

    I've put Renthal #754 (road low) bars on many bikes, to get that extra sweep (I call it pull-back). It lets you keep your elbows in, and when you turn the throttle you twist your entire forearm instead of just flexing your wrist. This is less fatiguing and gives better control, especially over...
  19. zippy49

    Cluth Adjustment?

    I've always shifted into neutral when coming to a full stop (as opposed to a feet-up 'California' stop). It's mandatory on old bikes with Amal carbs and dodgy ignition; cuts down the time it takes to do a kick start if it stalls. Not to mention the chance of a clutch cable failure at a bad...
  20. zippy49

    DIY Timing belt change

    I'll second that request...