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  1. zippy49

    Slabbing and stuff to do it with.

    Appliance, I had not much complaint about how the original worked. I feel that its main purpose is to reduce wind pressure on my upper body. I have a short torso for my 6' height, and the wind tended to rattle my helmet's shield a bit but did not get underneath much. I don't think this one...
  2. zippy49

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Good to hear that, jdot! Check the float voltage on that Tender, BTW. Should be very close to 14V. I note that the OEM battery only offers 10 AH in spite of the numbering. Going any bigger seems pointless to me, it just adds weight and expense. The self-discharge rate is so much lower and...
  3. zippy49

    Slabbing and stuff to do it with.

    Here's a pic of mine, it's all the way up. Looks just fine to me!
  4. zippy49

    Slabbing and stuff to do it with.

    Got one of those on my Strada, have not had a chance to ride it any distance yet though. It appears to offer a bigger "bubble" of still air, and is adjustable for height. The OEM shield scratched up way too quickly. My only complaint is the logo, which is screened on and not easily removable...
  5. zippy49

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Okay, you made me go down to the garage and take the seat off. It has been a couple of years since I put that battery in there. Yes, it's perfectly straightforward. Even though the Shorai is a bit smaller, the standard strap (and the ECU) hold it in place just fine. Plus you will lose 5...
  6. zippy49

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    I run Shorai lithium batteries in all our bikes. I use both the wall wart style Tender and the bigger, bench style which I rotate on them plus a couple of spare lead-acid batteries. Recently I found that the wall wart Tender floated at 14V, where the bench one only made 13.4V on the same...
  7. zippy49

    Twist-grip spring tension on ride-by-wire throttle

    Check one of the suspension threads here for help with the forks. IMHO the rear shock is not too bad, but the OEM fork setup is from Mars. My brakes have been great from the start. I'd try changing pads and giving the rotors a good cleaning if mine did not work. But if you have to pump them...
  8. zippy49

    Front brake

    Pads are a "wear item" and are never going to be covered under warranty. With a service contract, maybe. My brakes are stock and work just fine.
  9. zippy49

    Hyperstrada problem list

    Matching revs is always important when you let the clutch out on normal gearboxes, less so with a slipper clutch although it does increase wear. I agree that revving the bike in neutral is hard on it, but blipping the throttle on downshifts is not. The Triumph 900 we rented in the UK back in...
  10. zippy49

    Hyperstrada problem list

    Glad to see that DNA is taking care of their customers.
  11. zippy49

    New 2013! Suggestions?

    National Highway Transportation Safety Administration Recalls are reserved for ...excuse me... safety issues. They are initiated by the NHTSA when there is a history of accidents and someone gets hurt. Like, say, Takata airbags. The steering head seal is not one of these. I actually know...
  12. zippy49

    Monster 821, gets modified clutch spring!!

    Absolutely. And look at that pathetic "guard!" I'd rather spend the bucks on, say, suspension work.
  13. zippy49

    New 2013! Suggestions?

    Congrats on your new/used bike. I will point out (again) that there are no NHTSA recalls on these bikes, only some upgrades that Ducati has offered. There was an ECU reflash or two early on, and a rubber seal was added to the top steering head bearing. Ducati sent out letters to owners for...
  14. zippy49

    Anyone try different seats? I want to sit back about 2"

    I need the opposite...more padding and support for the passenger. The stock 'Strada seat is fine for just me (although my knees tend to hit the side fairings), but the wifey could use a bit more room. And no, I have absolutely zero desire to buy a Multi instead! I've become allergic to...
  15. zippy49

    Monster 821, gets modified clutch spring!!

    Here you go...this lovely little item should appease all the naysayers! Ducati Hypermotard 821 Dry Clutch Kit with Slipper Clutch | eBay
  16. zippy49

    Hyperstrada problem list

    There are a lot of "checks" that should be done more often do you check your oil level? Ducati spent nearly nothing on's a running change, done by the supplier. And if a customer whines loud enough they would likely replace the cable. I lubed mine when I installed the...
  17. zippy49

    Hyperstrada problem list

    "Common?" A few folks who are on forums are not an adequate sample. Bottom line is that the cable end must rotate in the lever or the cable will flex there and break. As for a "redesign," what would that be? I'll bet that the service instructions have not changed. Is this the first time...
  18. zippy49

    Hyperstrada problem list

    Actually, it's item #3 on the service schedule, page 75 of the service manual.
  19. zippy49

    2016 Ducati Hyperstrada 939 Pictures and Information

    If they brought back fly yellow I would be tempted.
  20. zippy49

    Chain guard removal

    The guard is an extension of the swingarm protector, and not easy to remove. I would first hassle the dealer for sliming my bike and then get a copy of the parts and service manuals online. It looks like you need to pull the wheel and hugger. Here is the relevant page from the parts list: