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Another Disco Hyperstrada

So my well behaved Hyperstrada electrocuted itself. To be fair, it took me from east coast to west coast of the USA without any problems. That was like 8k miles with nothing more than gas. But less than a mile from home it suddenly went into "disco" mode. All the dash lights, indicators, break lights and more randomly flashing. It did go into a sort of limp mode, so I was able to get home, even video it performing. But after switching it off it would not start again and the flashing even persisted after the key was removed. Next day after leaving the battery off, still no joy and this is why I found this forum thread. So I knew what I was in for, used my Ducati recovery for a tow to the local Ducati Dealer.

The dealer experience was not the best, first Ducati denied the warranty, then did an about turn because they said this was the first bike in the NE USA with the problem they did not recognize it, all power to this forum for making that point an easy sell. They ordered and replaced the ECU, Display and coils, but then still could not get the keys to work reliably. They ordered up new keys, another week without the bike, then when they arrived they discovered it was not the keys but the Black Box/ immobilizer. So after that was replaced I was back on the road. Just over for weeks since she electrocuted herself!

Now some questions to the forum:

[1] OK my bike had 1m on the odometer. Probably just has to be that way, but others did not mention it and of course now we are limited because it thinks it is being run in again, so performance sucks and will continue for 600 miles. Was this the case for other riders who had this problem?

[2] My dealer "forgot" to enable the alarm and heated grips, maybe understandable, but any way of checking if all the other updates to the ECU were done, or do we just take their word for things? 

But overall I still love the bike, my wife and I share the 1199 and the Hyperstrada and truth is we both love the hyper more. You will never take the street appearance away from the 1199 but for driving and performance, up to about 100mph the hyper just wins.
