Thats the one i've just taken delivery of, special order from the factory, but left the standard seat on for extra comfort (830) found the lower seat too hard any long journeys, well pleased with it. great bike. not had any ground clearance issues yet, but still running it in. I'll remove the center stand after 1st service.
(the red ones are the fastest)
Might be worth trying the comfort touring seat, I'm 5'6 and found that it was ok, would be better for you though, being taller. the extra sponge in the seat gives a little when you sit on it and so 830 becomes probably 820-810 seat height anyway. I did try both seats and didn't find much difference touching the floor, just the standard seat much more comfortable.
Just sharing my experience so you can try for yourself.
Today, I visited local dealer to confirm order and pay advance money.
My HS will arrive on this weekend but for registration will come to me around 30th.
Unfortunately, they have moved comfort sheet to another branch.
So I can not try it. It will cost $300.