Those Formas look pretty good for the price.
Below is a quote from Precis (former EMT) an Aussie guy from ADV Rider who recently did a year long ride around S. America on this DR650. His wife rode with him on her own DR650.
His comments cover various gear he used in S. America and riding around Oz, but I thought his comments on Forma were interesting.
"Every single motorcycle crash I have attended as an emergency first responder, has had foot trauma to some degree - tarred, dirt or forest trails - if you step off hard enough to need our help, it's an odds-on chance you will have damaged one or more feet, along with whatever else you've injured. With motorcycle boots, it's usually minor, the worst being a contained fracture, wherein the boot acts as a splint and deformation is minimal.
But where there are work boots, runners/trainers or other general non-motorcycle specific footwear involved, it ALWAYS comes off. Every time. Then the injuries start to include to-the-bone abrasions, missing toes and de-gloving, with open ('compound') fractures. Think on that if you will...
The 'A' in ATGATT?
Forma Adventure boots will eventually leak. Ours are two years old and by 18 months, my left one was leaking worst. Just in decent rain - not immersion in river crossings. Then they were utterly hopeless: ride through a river, stop and pour the water out, resume. They also smell really, really bad after a few sweaty days. Bad enough to be left outside the tent, where they kept foxes away during the night, and outside hostel rooms, where they kept everyone away... after about a month of not being worn, the smell does go away. On the Stahlratte, I had to put my boots in the engine room. And yes that was with Odour eater liners and powder. But the Formas are all-day comfortable, on and off the bike, which my Fox mx boots are not.
Klim Badlands suits leak too, if you wear them enough. Four months in and mine leaked on the belly ( and I lost 15kg on the trip, so not too tight!), one armpit and the collar, plus the crotch. Contrary to what Klim would have you believe, laundering them does not improve this any, though spraying the outside with 3M silicon did help for a week or so. At a third the price, my Alpine Stars suit kept me drier for longer - as in, totally dry - but has that dumb zip-in liner system from the 1970s.
I'm tempted to try Rukka next - heard good things, but the stuff is poorly vented for hot weather."