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Hi everyone, and thank you for the help I've received on this forum - it's really appreciated.

I have a 2016 Hyperstrada 939 and recently had my first after dark ride on a road without street lights. I found it scary how lousy the standard headlight is, particularly on low beam! I really need to improve the light it puts out.

I could replace the halogen globe for an LED version, but I've read about the beam coverage changing because of the light source being in a different location in the reflector. Anyone tried this, was it worth it, and did you need to modify anything?

I've seen adverts for LED headlights such as the one from Hoglights where the entire headlight is replaced. Are these significantly better than standard?

And finally am I better off adding auxiliary lights such as Denali D3s?

Supplementary question: I've read that this bike has CANBUS but I've also read that CANBUS eliminates the need for fuses. Since my bike has fuses, does that mean that it doesn't actually use CANBUS?
