
Hypermotard Forum

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  1. F

    Strada/Motard sport seat or Corbin

    Was wondering if some of you living in the Toronto / Orangeville/ Guelph area have a sport seat or Corbin I can try on? I want to see which one I should buy next.
  2. T

    Corbin Seat

    Hey guys, I just got my Corbin seat and its pretty cool. Check out the photos and let me know what you guys think.
  3. R

    Corbin needs a bike in Hollister, CA

    Anyone want a free Corbin? They are looking to borrow a Hyperstrada to get the prototype completed. In return you get the 1st seat for FREE. This would be a no brainer for me, except I live in FL. Contact Christopher @ Corbin in Hollister.
  4. B

    Corbin Seat?

    Just wondering if anybody has one of these fitted yet - if so - any impressions would be welcome.