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  1. gatdammit

    Center Stand Bolt Fell Off, Other stuff

    Parked my bike at a friends last night and noticed it was a bit wobbly. I didn't think much of it at first since it was a loose gravel driveway. Repositioned and it seemed fine. Later that evening I noticed something was off when I dropped off the center stand. Took a look and the left bolt...
  2. H

    Rear indicator housing fell off... take note!

    Went for a long ride today and heard something tinkering around behind me at 100km/h. My riding buddies beeped me and when I stopped I got a nasty little surprise! My Indicator/number plate holder was dangling on the rear wheel! There are 2 bolts that hold all this in place under the rear...
  3. gatdammit

    Gear Shift Lever Rubber Sleeve Fell Off

    The rubber boot on the end of the gear shifter fell off somtime yesterday. I wear steel toe boots when I ride to work and not sure if this was a factor. Not a huge deal, but scuffed my boot up pretty bad. I swapped the rear brake boot to shifter for now.