I ordered a set of levers for my bike (I like their shape and have had them on my last two bikes). The brake lever looks incorrect, in that there sure is a lot more metal where it would connect to the master cylinder than the stock. Has anyone done similar and run into the same or am I gonna...
Throughout my years of riding the Yamaha Brembo R1/R6 16mm radial(technically a semi-radial because it is at an angle) master cylinder has been kniwn as THE budget master cylinder used for racers it is also used as a rear hand brake for many stunners. Today I started looking deeper into doing...
Hi folks!
Took the strada in for a master cylinder replacement late last year, as it was leaking and it was done under warrantee. It's since started leaking again. Has anyone had this? And does anyone know if work done under warrantee carries outside of the warrantee period, or have I got no...