
Hypermotard Forum

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  1. K31

    Hello from Montreal

    Hi everyone :), Hyperstrada 2015 is my third bike. I bought it new last year and i already add 28500km (17K miles) on. Before that I was a monster 620 owner, and long time ago, i learned on a suzuki Katana 750. My inspiration that lead my motorbike life is ride free as far as i can with the...
  2. M

    Hello from Montreal, Quebec

    Hi everyone Just picked up my Hyperstrada this afternoon. So far so good - will ride more tomorrow. I wasn't sure about the standard seat height - but I am 5'10 and it's very good. I had a pretty bad accident a year ago on the 25th of May (hit a wild turkey at 120kph...) . A great way...