
Hypermotard Forum

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  1. D

    Hilariously Weird Noise after stopping the Bike...

    Hi all, I noticed a few weeks ago after coming back from a long ride and parking in the garage, that my bike was making a very funny noise, like a fog horn (engine off)... Anyone else noticed something similar/know what it is? This little bike is always full of surprises 😂 Cheers,
  2. gatdammit

    Random "ERRORS"

    Anybody get CEL with "ERRORS", but the bike runs fine? Showed up on return ride startup yesterday. I cycled power on the road and it didn't go away. Cold start this morning and it was clear. However, shortly after pulling away it popped again. DTC and ABS working fine and no limp mode...
  3. B

    Random Engine Stalling - 2013 Hyperstrada 821

    Am hoping I can get some answers from fellow owners. 2013 821. I got it in March with ~700 miles. Mechanically bone stock except for a GPR exhaust can I recently installed. I noticed early on that once in a while the bike would stall as I decelerate to come to a stop (after I press in the...
  4. N

    Random Triangle

    I am getting the triangle with a ! in it randomly. It will flash up for a second and go away almost as soon as it comes. Come up 1-2 more times. Not see it for awhile. Then repeat. No trouble code lights. No warnings other than that. Bike seems to run great. What does this mean?
  5. A

    random bell sound - ding a ling!

    Hey all Last few weeks my bike is making a rattle sound that very much resembles a small bell. I cannot source it. It's A: very intermittent, and thus impossible to time and B: happens only for a short time, although it can happen frequently on occasion. I've heard it idling and while riding...