
Hypermotard Forum

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  1. P

    To boldly ride where no one has ridden before

    Occasionally I get a bit mischievous and ride places I shouldn't be riding. Shame on me. I recently rode here... https://www.google.com/maps/place/39°48'00.5%22N+75°26'26.0%22W/@39.7999564,-75.4401732,470m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d39.8001266!4d-75.4405608 I didn't take many...
  2. C

    Has anyone ridden both standard and lowered model?

    I am still considering best options to upgrade my Hyperstrada‘s suspension. The idea I like the best right now is to order Adriani cartridge and Wilbers rear shock, both for the 2014 model to get back those two centimeters of suspension travel that Ducati took away in MY2015. But I am not sure...
  3. AussieHyper

    Path Less Ridden

    Not a Ducati story but interesting none the less. This guy and his girl are rideing from Sydney to London....why is anyone guess:rolleyes: The Path Less Ridden | Two-wheeled wandering?
  4. H

    What's the coldest you've ridden in?

    Just got back from a 150 mile night ride. Was mostly between 32F-37F the whole way. I froze my ass off and should of worn my ski mits over my gloves and a thermal underpant (only had motorcycle jeans on and the cold went straight through it). I remembered halfway through my ride that I have the...