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  1. M

    2016 Hyperstrada speedometer off?

    I'm wondering if anyone else has had issues with there speedo being off. When I go past local radar my speedo says 37 and the radar shows 33, I have done this on several different radars and they all show the same margin of error.
  2. H

    Speedometer is off big time after changing front sprocket to 14T

    Just had the 14T front sprocket installed today and noticed that the speedometer is VERY off. Up to 50mph, according to my GPS, it's only about 2mph off, which is normal. But while cruising at 65mph, my GPS said I was doing 60mph... that's 5mph off and pretty huge! I haven't gone passed 65mph...
  3. H


    Hi Does anyone know where the speedometer reading is taken from. Is it the gearbox of backwheel? Thanks
  4. I

    Speedometer reading off.

    Has anyone noticed that the speedometer reading is much faster than actual speed? I compared mine with my Garmin zumo 350. It's off between 7 to 9 kmph(to fast, ie bike says 125kmph but gps says 117kmh). I even went as far to test the garmin in both my wife's car and my car. It's bang on in the...