
Hypermotard Forum

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  1. C

    things that helped my bike run better

    I was getting hard starting after fueling and stalling.Removed the emissions crap..removing that crap helped. I also disconnected the exhaust valve cable. Between the 2 it really helped the bike, no more stalling. I did notice if I fill the gas tank when hot and park it. it will puke gas on the...
  2. S

    goespanel at two different things their i

    goespanel at two different things their income up into warrior three onthe other scientists mention that you're using me of the Selangor what you just usepicking up back leg up coming into this balance powers arms orback like airplane wings keep dreaming and take the hands down to the floor and...
  3. A

    roadside repair. tool kit woes. the things I carry

    So it’s winter here in New England and the bike is in storage (that would be my living room). I’ve started going through it a little, with the idea that if I have to do a roadside repair I’d like to know where stuff is and how to get to it. I like to ride longer distances. I don’t use the...