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      nickwst4 replied to the thread Battery.
      Hi Alan, Sorry, nothing more to add at this stage. The bikes are really only art objects to be admired at the moment until the weather...
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread Elsie coils on a 2014 821.
      Sorry, none to spare and I apologise for the sarcasm!
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread Elsie coils on a 2014 821.
      How can you mess-up the simple rewiring of those coils? Do you have a problem with changing light-bulbs too? ;)
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread OEM mirrors vibrate loose.
      Dur, why didn't I see/realise that? :rolleyes:
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      I'm not up to speed on any of this technical stuff but would only respectfully point out that plenty of us have never had evap systems...
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread OEM mirrors vibrate loose.
      Since the ball-joint surfaces are quite slippery, I'd expect the 601 will give way easily enough but still add some stiction, which is...
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread OEM mirrors vibrate loose.
      OK, so I've flooded the outside of the mirror ball-joint with Loctite 601 Retaining Compound and worked the ball-joint to get the fluid...
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread OEM mirrors vibrate loose.
      I'll have to try a drop of Loctite on the plastic and see. Only problem with teflon tape is I assume you'd need to actually get it into...
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread OEM mirrors vibrate loose.
      I guess you mean the heads, rather than the stems? I have one that often shifts but haven't worked out any way to tighten it. My only...
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread 698 Recalls.
      Why wasn't the faulty gear-select drum included?
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread New UK Member.
      Welcome SR. You'll have fun on your new machine! Hopefully it's new enough to not need a lot of the info here as regards the earlier...
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      Welcome, and I applaud the excellent accommodation!:D
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      nickwst4 replied to the thread Battery.
      Hi Alan, Thanks for that, and my thoughts exactly. If, when Spring arrives and my HS is back on the road, it starts to show any...
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      OK, I've just looked at the BP website and it specifically states that the 821 HS only has the one temperature sensor out front so my...
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      Do you suppose that the front sensor of the HS and HM also doesn't influence the ECU but only the dash readout? This would explain the...
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