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  1. R

    The Suspension Thread!!! BOOING

    Can anyone please recommend a shop for fork modification and installation of Mupo cartridges in SoCal?
  2. R

    Supplemental/replacement brake/tail lights?

    Where’d you get it, please? How was the install?
  3. R

    Supplemental/replacement brake/tail lights?

    Fair question, I left out the motivation for raising this. Last Saturday evening, after exiting the 405N at Santa Monica, a CHP flashed me to pull over, and I laughed to myself because I couldn’t recall my last ticket. Anyway, the officer told me she pulled me over to let me know I was hard to...
  4. R

    Supplemental/replacement brake/tail lights?

    Has anybody installed lighting to improve visibility from the rear?
  5. R

    Is HS an all-day Monster 821?

    I've done 300-400 mile days on two to five day trips on my 2014 HS (I'd much rather ride something non-linear than an interstate and will spend a lot of time going from point A to point B to do so) and find it satisfactorily comfortable and fun--but find the fuel range to be annoying, I wish I...
  6. R

    Cuts out

    Have a dealer check this, else you could be in for a world of repair hurt.
  7. R

    Someone drilled a hole in my ignition! Need help!

    I second the insurance recommendation. My '14 HS was stolen a few years ago. Thief broke the ignition switch, and found the bike would still not start, left it in a deserted parking lot where it was discovered a few days later. The parts and labor easily exceeded my non-trivial deductible. Oh...
  8. R

    Trade up or commit to longterm ownership?

    Depends on your intended use for it. I've given up on my '14 HS as my one-week sport-tour bike, but am keeping it as my daily ride, so spent the bucks for the 18k service (although I have only 15k miles). The new Ducati line has no appeal to me, so trading it would be throwing it away. ProItalia...
  9. R

    Hyperstrada 821 Full Service Costs?

    I just had this done at Pro Italia, in Glendale (Southern California). Parts were $447 and labor was $897.
  10. R

    How many Hypers have been built?

    Back when VW/Audi/Lambo were informally shopping Ducati, there was a PE analyst report floating around speculating about production numbers and financial results. My memory, not what it should be now or was then, recalls actual production numbers for nearly all models to be lower than...
  11. R

    Engine Light - Slipped out of 6th

    I have a 2014 and often found a false neutral when back shifting from six to five. I subsequently learned it's a (one of quite a few) common problem, and some, but not all, dealerships had a warranty solution for it. Best of luck to you on this!
  12. R

    Long-distance travel spare parts

    Of course, we are all subject to bias, and this forum, any dedicated forum really, will attract reports of failures/problems more than anything else. Nobody posts "Hey, today my bike started right up and took me 500 miles without a hiccup", and yet, that's the vast majority of experiences. The...
  13. R

    Long-distance travel spare parts

    I thought about the same thing, doing multiple 5,000 mile trips here in North America over the next few years. My history with the bike (random failures) and reading about similar failures here for the past few years talked me out of it. The HS (I have a 2014 821) isn't a GS: it isn't designed...
  14. R

    Tire Tread Issue?

  15. R

    Anyone else still on their stock battery? I have a '14 821 and it's still perfect.

    Just replaced mine. It likely would've been fine if I had ridden the bike in the last year. Sometimes, work sucks...