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  1. ukphotoguy

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    Guys, almost 60K miles and another problem. Remember my bike has the pleasure of four Christmas tree lights, repair cycles but after the last repair I may have had a lingering issue. Thinking back after the repair, I had an occasional problem starting the bike, always thought it was the side...
  2. ukphotoguy

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    Finaly an update to my 2013 HyperSrada Christmas Tree issue. Recap, in 203-14 the bike suffered the Christmas Tree three times, each time Ducati fixed it for free as part of the warranty, the last time even after it was outside the official warranty. The fix was coils, ECU and Dash. The CANBUS...
  3. ukphotoguy

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    Thanks for sharing, my 2013 Hyper has had this happen three times early in the 2014-15 time period, each time Ducati stepped up and paid everything. I got the recall done as soon as it came out and settled down to enjoy my ride. Unfortunately this October at around 55k miles, it happened again...
  4. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Ducati did fix my bike out of warenty So feedback from my experience. My bike had the flashing lights, tow back to the garage experience three times in its almost 20k miles life so far. The last time was six months outside of warranty. I was worried that it would cost me and I wanted a real...
  5. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Third time for flashing dash and electronics meltdown So my 2013 Hyper has had the electronic melt down for a third time. Same issue, flashing dash, then fan running, gets me home in limp mode then will not start or do anything. Both previous times it was new dash, ecu, black box and they...
  6. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    In our first case, the keys were kept and the new units re-programed to take the electronic serial numbers. Its a part of setting up the new ECU and Immobilizer. But something went wrong the first time, only one key worked and that was found to be a faulty immobilizer. The second time the keys...
  7. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Disco Mode Update So as of today I have had the bike back almost two weeks from the dealer. This time they only changed the display and transferred the 400 or so miles I had done since the last melt down. I have added about 100m to it so far and only one "suspect" incident where the display...
  8. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Second Major Dash Issue Well sad to say my 'Disco Mode" came back, just 400 miles into a complete electrical replacement (coils, ecu, BB and Display) almost identical issue, same flashing and limp mode but this time it would start again (just after enter key-code errors and various other faults...
  9. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Milage Transfered? Does your display have your original Km traveled?
  10. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Transfer Display Mileage to a new unit So after talking at length to Ducati USA I have some news. [1] Apparently the Hyper 2013 range is the first bike that has the ability to transfer the mileage to a new display. [2] Less clear is how that is done and any limitations. Seems to make sense...
  11. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Thanks for the information That is good information. If it is possible to transfer the information then my dealer needs to know that and make the change. tempting as it is to have a "new bike" I know the vin record at Ducati has the records and since the bike has done over 10kmiles the change...
  12. ukphotoguy

    "Error" and all dash lights flashing, Fan Turns on, No Start...

    Another Disco Hyperstrada So my well behaved Hyperstrada electrocuted itself. To be fair, it took me from east coast to west coast of the USA without any problems. That was like 8k miles with nothing more than gas. But less than a mile from home it suddenly went into "disco" mode. All the dash...