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  1. N

    First ride impressions

    Glad to hear you've now got a Hyper that hits the spot. The 698 Mono would be an interesting addition to a collection but I reckon the best Ducatis have two cylinders like the four I enjoy: 821 Hyperstrada, 916 ST4, 904 Cagiva Gran Canyon and 600+ Cagiva Alazzurra! The 750 and 996 Monsters...
  2. N

    Hyp821 wont start if left outdoors overnight - Ducati workshop has given up

    Has anyone actually checked the fuel delivery, pressure/volume? I don't know how you'd do that but it would seem important. And the curse of Beru may still be active!
  3. N

    First ride impressions

    And they'd been waiting for months to find someone to take it off their hands! ;) Sorry to hear of your bad experience. I'd try a twin Hyper if I was you. They are pretty well sorted by now.
  4. N

    Hyp821 wont start if left outdoors overnight - Ducati workshop has given up

    We'll have to think again. I suppose the sparkplugs are OK and the old Beru coils have been junked?
  5. N

    Hyp821 wont start if left outdoors overnight - Ducati workshop has given up

    Sounds bad! Of course, lithium batteries seem not to be at their best when cold but this amount of usage should warm it. You don't state the year of the bike but have you still got the original starter motor that was fitted early on? That can drop the voltage so much that the other electrics...
  6. N

    First ride impressions

    Thanks for that and I'm glad your post got through eventually. As we know already, there's a bunch of tweaks Ducati need to do in the next iteration of the 698. Judging by the news on the latest V2 motor, desmo will soon be a thing of the past so valve trains will be quieter and need less...
  7. N

    Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono Owner Roll Call

    That's weird, considering that the moderator/owner allowed your original post. Summat's up!
  8. N

    Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono Owner Roll Call

    Which main page would that be?
  9. N

    Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono Owner Roll Call

    badgb: I'm looking forward to hearing your impressions of the mono! It's only pie-in-the-sky but I'm still hoping Ducati puts that motor in another platform. Fun can mean different things for different folks!
  10. N

    2020 Hyper 950 SP Ongoing Battery/Charging Issues, Low Voltage, and Starting Problems

    Well, if not dead, maybe some of the coils are shot and you are only getting a trickle charge. You'd think a proper Ducati mech would sort this very easily. New batteries and probably regulators are always worthwhile but there's a fundamental problem here. Good luck getting to the bottom of this.
  11. N

    2020 Hyper 950 SP Ongoing Battery/Charging Issues, Low Voltage, and Starting Problems

    Dead alternator, obviously. Should get over 13v with the engine spinning.
  12. N

    signal light malfunction

    Only a guess: are the fronts incandescent or LEDs? If the former, then adding LEDs at the back (how mini?) is not taking enough power to stop the indicator relay thinking a bulb has failed and going into universal bulb failure mode, which is usually very helpful! You either need a gizmo to...
  13. N

    Hyper safe way to use it until coil replacement

    If you want new Eldor coils, I'm pretty sure you will find info on here, either Aprilia or the later Ducati fitments. Most of us have just used coils from Aprilia V4 models or Ducati 848 from memory that were being parted for spares. Maybe fewer old spares available in Argentina than elsewhere...
  14. N

    Hyper safe way to use it until coil replacement

    The mode makes no difference cos you still need sparks! You could chance it as mine didn't fail with the old coils before I changed them at 10K miles but why not just be patient until you do the swap? Nick, 2013 HS
  15. N

    698 won't shift lower than 4th

    Wow, that's certainly beefed-up! Steel pegs and all, supported properly. Should be a recall IMO.
  16. N

    698 won't shift lower than 4th

    Looks to be on a radius from one of those levers above, so presumably over-extension of them due to the missing/worn peg.
  17. N

    698 won't shift lower than 4th

    Is that part alloy or steel? With the way I'm guessing you guys use your 698s, I'm not surprised those pegs suffer! ;)
  18. N

    My 2014 Hyperstrada just clicks and wont start any help? thanks.

    The starter solenoid could be faulty, but from experience batteries can apparently take a charge and show 12v but still be unable to deliver the current to turn the starter motor, especially the earlier ones. Can you find an alternative battery to try or even use jump leads from another vehicle...
  19. N

    My 2014 Hyperstrada just clicks and wont start any help? thanks.

    First thing to check would be the battery connections, including cleaning the surfaces. Of course, it may be that the battery itself has given up and needs replacing. Then check the earthing leads and connections between the solenoid (relay) and the starter motor. Worst case would be the starter...
  20. N

    Build Quality Review: 300 miles on 2024 Hypermotard 698 Mono

    How more obvious a prep item could that be? It even has a nice finger tag. Do these technicians ever get any training?