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  1. B

    Steering Damper?

    Yeh, I've managed to get an R1100S to shake at the track which ran right off the track (I wasn't in control). Hitting the grass broke the oscillation and I was able to ease back onto the track but several positions down. I had a steering damper BUT had turned it all the way down because it was a...
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    HS forum future

    I jest about being hurt, he wouldn't really do that I know...I personally think these bikes have a marvelous balance of agility and power to weight...that said, I still dream about putting a MS 1200 in one, wouldn't need a turbo...
  3. B

    Steering Damper?

    Well, mine shakes when pushed hard and fast. I have hard bags, which I suspects contributes the problem. I've slightly lowered my triple trees, we'll see if this helps on next trip if I get frogy with my speed...if I had a damper, I'd use it...
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    HS forum future

    "conservative"?...that hurts...
  5. B

    Front wheel air in Sport Mode?

    I don't know how our DTC works but I do know how some traction controls use differences in wheel speed between the front and the back tire to know to cut the power, perhaps this is how they do it and the DTC setting is a variable gain setting the tweaks the traction control algorithm?
  6. B

    Human Barbecue Season Gear Advice?

    Mesh in the eastern summer swelter is the way to go. I've worn it with just underwear (TMI I know). ICON might be the cheapest. I've had very good durability and ventilation with Joe Rocket. The others above great as well. Good luck...
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    For Sale 2014 Hypermotard SP

    Did you ever post this mod? I'm interested...
  8. B

    For Sale 2014 Hypermotard SP

    +1 You've been a great help on all the forums I've seen you on, take care, you'll be missed here... :-(
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    4th of July Road Trip (SF, CA -> Grand Lake, CO)

    Bummer...doesn't align...enjoy the ride... :-)
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    4th of July Road Trip (SF, CA -> Grand Lake, CO)

    I have plans to ride to Panioa CO next month from ABQ and Login UT in August, what's your time table?
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    DIY carbon fiber bag heat shield

    +1 Araitim has done some nice work of late
  12. B

    Bikes I have known and loved (maybe)

    2000 Honda RC-51 SP-1 (Moriwaki Stage 2 bike) 2001 R1150S Project Bike (formerly an R1100S Lite) 2004 R1150SR Project Touring Bike (formerly an R1150R) 2005 Honda RC-51 SP-2 Project Bike 2014 Ducati HyperProject (Hyperstrada) I feel inadequate now with only 5, soon to be 4 (I'm only...
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    What's the dumbest thing anyone has said about your bike/gear?

    +1 when there I'd say as many as half the bikes were BMWs, usually oil heads, rest were scooters (they're everywhere)...
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    What's the dumbest thing anyone has said about your bike/gear?

    I was raised on Harleys and have had several, the engine is a glorified lawn mover engine, more OHV than Briggs & Straton...
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    One year with my HS

    +1 My exact situation in top speed but I stopped at 130, front end too light, even with leaning on it...promised myself to never do that again on this bike...
  16. B

    Track day

    Enjoyed the vid, kept catching that last guy in blue but...looks like you had to pass on the outside, if could stuff'em, this would have been a different outcome...
  17. B

    SP wheels

    +1 They would accelerate faster if they are lighter, how much you could feel would be relative. The WIDE bars on these bikes give so much leverage, wheel weight and gyroscopic stiffness just doesn't feel as heavy as on a sport bike where the bars are so much closer together...
  18. B

    SP wheels

    I don't know the weight of the 1100 SP wheels but they looked like they were forged and machined but I don't actually know this. I can say the wheels that come on our bikes look like the ones on a friend of mine's Pike Peak Multistrada and look pretty light for stock wheels. So, IF I had to bet...