Track day

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2017
Got some decent footage from a hyper track day today. Excuse the audio! Also note that there were limited areas where passing was permitted, so I was stuck behind slower riders at times.
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Looks fun. What's she like on the track? Top end must be kind of slow though right?
Definitely a good time. Top end was ok, this track doesn't have massive straights, so I can do ok against sport bikes. You can see there's a guy in blue on a litre bike that kept pulling on me in the straights.
What track is this? Looks like a lot of fun. what was the gear requirements?
Castrol raceway near Edmonton, Alberta. Check out "HardNoX track days". They're a fantastic organization and run a great track day. The gear requirements are on their site, but basically you need a decent helmet, two piece textile or leather suit, gauntlet gloves, and medium height boots. That's it.
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Enjoyed the vid, kept catching that last guy in blue but...looks like you had to pass on the outside, if could stuff'em, this would have been a different outcome...