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Hypermotard Forum

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  1. N


    My battery charger is telling me the battery of my 2013 821 is nearing replacement time and I suspect it is the original. Looking online, I note that MotoBatt versions, which have done well for me on other bikes, are listed as 12AH or 14AH. Any advice on whether both will fit? I'm not...
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    A worrying trend?

    I always look through the Ducati ads on ebay-UK just to lust after models I'd never buy, and thought I'd specifically look at the Mono 698 list because I do like the concept of singles as well as v-twins. There were so many for sale with only a few hundred miles on them, indicating purchases...
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    Fuelling mods; Booster plug and Rapid Bike Easy

    The fuelling of my 2013 HS 821 was never especially troublesome when I got it at 8K miles, but in light of all the problems others reported, I was intrigued to see if mine could be improved. First I fitted a Booster Plug, but found little-to-no effect so took it off and got my expert mechanic to...
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    Gear indicator

    I got around to fitting a Healtech GIPRO gear indicator today, model no. GPDT-DO1, on my 2013 821 'Strada. I have one on my 2000 Duke ST4 to which I had to fit a proximity detector to count the rear wheel rotations, but was delighted to find the versions for later bikes like the 'Strada work off...
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    Scammer alert!

    I don't know whether we have a resident moderator to check credentials and posts, but a 'member' called adoralen449 has just sent me a personal email advertising her nude photos. If this was a genuine 'Strada rider and was nice, I might open the link, but I doubt it'd be to my advantage... Nick
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    Scotland 'Strada?

    My lady Dianne and I are touring Scotland in our campervan, rather than on two wheels. There are advantages both ways, but some time I hope we will be on bikes. Anyway, we were turning out of Lochcarron garage when a string of bikes pulled in, and one was a HyperStrada! This was mid-afternoon on...
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    Please don't mention it to anyone, but my 'Strada won't be legally back on the road until May 1st, but I snuck out for a ride on it today. What a great bike! So alive and eager! I'm a devotee of the Touring engine map for its civility at low speeds, but a few degrees more throttle twist and the...
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    Tank side panel fitting

    Some while back, I posted a picture of the mod I made to be able to hold the thin sleeve-nut behind the lower front of the tank panel. This nut and the screw feed through a rubber double-grommet that is virtually impossible to install into the panel and the metal plate behind at the same time...
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    Hi from the UK

    Just to say hello from Norfolk, UK. My 2013 821 Hyperstrada is a recent purchase, but I'm very familiar with other Ducatis and have an assortment of them and various other vee-twins, especially Cagivas. The HS is like no other of my bikes! Nick