Rode 220 miles yesterday. Wasn't too bad on the body. Seat is a little hard but still not too uncomfortable as compared to my previous Husqvarna SM610. Have over 500 miles total. My impressions
1) Throttle response is smooth above 2000 rpm. Never had a Ducati that was this linear. My V2 on the other hand has an annoying dip around 5500 rpm.
2) Electronic intervention of the DTC is sublime. Hard to even know it is kicking in. You have to look at the yellow light to see when it comes on. Keep the throttle pinned and let it do the rest

3) After the suspension was set to "Road Sport", the bike handles really well. Holds a line perfectly
4) It is quite impressive how deep you can trail brake. Well pas the apex on either brake or both brakes doesn't seem to bother the bike's stability
5) Due to break-in period restriction, I haven't taken it past 75 mph but it felt composed. Got caught in some strong side winds and the bike was a bit wobbly. Nothing much can be done about those scenarios.
6) Standard mode plastics are cheap dirt bike quality. Dull finish and pretty sure will scratch up easily. I applied some 3M PPF and hopefully that keeps it nice for a while.
7) Coincidentally, a 2023 KTM SMC690 happened to come by when I was taking a break. The owner and I got to sit on each other's bike. It was almost identical feeling sitting on the KTM except for the handle bar. Ducati's handle bar was a bit wide and had a different sweep angle. Seat height, width, seating position was definitely the same. I'm sure Ducati did some bench mark comparision/copying when developing the 698
8) Been consistently getting around 42 mpg. Ran upto 100 miles and the low fuel light didn't turn on. Wonder how this will change once the break in period is done and I can rev it past 6000 rpms. This could be a really practical bike if I can get 125 miles until it runs dry.
9) Definitely could use the Quick shifter. I have one on order but ETA is a month from now.
Manual says bluetooth is an option. I don't see it on my bike. Is this available in Europe or Canada?