I had to remove my centre stand, too bad though, I was getting used to it. Stupid thing is attached to the engine casing (such a sh!t design). Anyway, I was going in between 2 parking barriers, and a small piece of the stand on the left hand side slightly clipped the barrier, it was a low one too. Guess what happened!? And I was going slow too, the engine casing cracked! Fmlllll. Oil all over the place. Long story short, my local bike shop said it would cost 10k for new engine casing, again, fmlllll, Haha. Any, said f that ideas, but they said they had a welder who can do it and is very good. It would only cost $500 to do. Guy did a freaking awesome job!! Looked at it at his shop, can't even tell there was a crack! Moral of my story, watch out for that center stand, poor engineering design if you ask me! My bike is running perfectly and the weld is 95% strong as per the welder. Sorry for long story! Ride safe...