Oh yes - aren't they wonderful. The one on the left is actually fairly accessible - I think I wedged a low profile ratchet in there (one of those small things that have a 1/4" notch - they cost about $8.00 (
The other side has an additional metal tang that really blocks most things. I moved all the cabling etc that's around that tang, out of the way As I remember I managed to get a really long 1/4" tang torks bit mated to my low profile handle (or a vice grip -can't remember) - wedged in the socket. By putting a lot of pressure on it I could turn it a tiny bit at a time until loosened. The length of the driver - 6" +- helped lessen the angle somewhat so it would bite.
When reassembling I used a different screw in that location because it strips out a little. By rotating the screws, and changing the filter every 20K miles - I'll be OK for a long long time.
It is absurd.