Wow, I forgot all about this thread! Sorry guys.
Here's my impression of the seat. As I had hoped, the flat area seems to be both wider as well as deeper front to back. Generally speaking, the shape change was exactly what I wanted as the stock seat tended to tilt forward too much leaving pressure on the pubic bone. Plus, the seat is very nice looking.
For the negatives, the main one is hard to describe. Think about the dished part of the seat that your butt backs up against. As the raised part curves around to define the dish, that raised area came too far forward around the sides of my butt before blending in to the sides of the seat. Where the forward parts of the 'c' shape made by the dish came underneath me, it felt exactly like I was sitting with something hard in each of my hip pockets. It drove me crazy, but of course Corbin has a very good policy of reshaping the seat I think in the first year.
I didn't want to play the back and forth game, and I had one other issue I doubt they'd fix, and that's that the seat is damn hard. I know they say it will break in, but I gave it over a thousand miles and figure it would maybe break in in the same time frame that granite erodes. So I took the cover off, relieved the contour that bothered me, and put in a gel insert, some memory foam and then a thin layer of regular foam to cover the transitions. I think this will work for me, but at this point, I might have been just as well off performing surgery on the stock seat.