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factory bags sun fade

Omoishiroi, I mean the part that comes along with the bag, which locks the bag on to the bike. That part on my RHS bag is broken :(

okay - I have taken that piece apart - it comes off the bag, you remove the inner liner by opening the zipper, unbolt the mechanism. This is a complex part - 4 bolts, 5 screws, 2 springs, etc. If you cant repair it I would think you can order it separate as a part.
While you have that mechanism open, coat everything in grease. Your bags will remove like butter.
Yes. And it is why the lock in the bag is from sw motech.
Now they produce this kind of bags for other manufacturers - you can see it on theyre website

Mine are made in vietnam. Am still asking around on their factory whereabout . I will go straight to purchase 1 set panniers for my friend.:p