From Bad to Worse

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Active Member
Jul 5, 2016
Dehradun, India
My Throttle control unit started acting up and the bike went into permanent limp home mode. Had Mapfre roadside assistance pick up the bike and drop it off at the dealer. Took the opportunity to get a set of heated handgrips , new panniers ( one broke off and disappeared on a ride , Insurance paid for a new set ) , a central exhaust bend pipe ( insurance again ) and a regular oil service.

Picked up the bike on Friday and rode back home, about 400 km ( 250 mi ). The bike was flawless and ran beautifully. The only issue i noticed was that the bike started a bit reluctantly after a rest stop and took about 8 seconds of cranking to start up. Got home and the bike remained parked outside as temperatures dropped off to single digit numbers ( Deg C ). The next morning, the bike refused to start. Many attempts later, I called service and they told me that the battery could be low on charge and to try connecting up the battery tender and try a few hours later. No go. even after 4 hours of charging and a jump using a new battery. Called them and gave them an earful. The service manager said that it could be a starter motor issue and that they would send a mechanic over to check and replace it and get the bike on the road. To add to this, I dropped the bike onto its right side, gently as I was putting it on center stand and the brake lever broke off at the tip.

The mechanic arrived after an overnight bus ride, ran diagnostics, checked for fuel flow, and began to inspect the spark plugs. The horizontal cylinder head had leaked oil into the plug bore and there seemed to be no compression. Some minutes later, the mech gave up and asked me to have the bike transported to the workshop again. Looks like I'm in for a long wait now as they try to diagnose the issue and order parts. Meanwhile, Looks like my KTM 390 is going to see a lot more miles.
Took the brake lever to a friend's shop and they machined a new part and got that as good as new. Pics attached.

Anyone with any advise or ideas ?
I know little about Ducati's but my Hyperstrada's failure had similar symptoms to yours.

It could be a Cam drive belt has come off, is loose or has broken. On my bike the belt shredded from a seized cam bearing.

What this means is it's possible the valves and head may be damaged. (mine were).

I hope it's not ... and ends up being something simple and easily fixed ... mechs will need to pull things apart to have a good look.

On my bike the total repair bill was $8000 USD for Parts and Labor. This for ONLY damage to front cylinder. Major cost was parts: new head, valves, cams, belts and more)

I had a warranty ... so lucky, cost me nothing.

I'm amazed your dealer sent a mechanic on an overnight Bus ride to get to your bike. Only in India! Awesome! All the best!