So it's time for a new helmet. Old one, Scorpion EXO-1000, fell apart rather quickly. The trim around the bottom of the helmet fell off and exposed the innards causing all kinds of buffeting and vibration. Enough about old one...
I've been looking at the following helmets and having a hard time deciding...
Shoei RF-1200
Arai Defiant
Shoei GT-Air
Schuberth S2
Fit wise they are all quite comfortable. I'm looking for some crucial differentiators that could help me make the decision.
I've been looking at the following helmets and having a hard time deciding...
Shoei RF-1200
Arai Defiant
Shoei GT-Air
Schuberth S2
Fit wise they are all quite comfortable. I'm looking for some crucial differentiators that could help me make the decision.