Hot weather starting woes.

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Active Member
Jul 5, 2016
Dehradun, India
In North India where I live, we have been having a spot of hot weather. Today , I rode out 20 km to a sporting goods wholesaler. Bike ran flawlessly as usual. Air temperature was 42 Deg. C . When I parked, coolant temperature was 104 C. 15 minutes later when I came back to start it up, the engine wouldn't fire up.
Coolant temp. was about 81 Deg C. I opened the fuel filler cap to release any vapor that may have built up and tried again, multiple times. Engine never started though the engine cranked over pretty well.

I left the bike parked there and headed home. I plan to head there tomorrow morning when the bike will have cooled down and hopefully I can get it started and back home before I have the Hyper trucked down to the dealer ( 300 km ). Anything I can check and correct before I try the start ?

This has been an issue with the bike. Starting in very hot weather has always been pretty difficult although the bike runs well once started. No such issues in winter. The dealer has the valvetrain reshimmed and set to spec last winter. The Evap kit has been removed and the bike was serviced about 4000 km ago.
There is no stalling , hesitation or throttle issues. The bike idles well though a tad roughly when cold.
Does anyone have any idea what gives ?
The starter does turn over the engine pretty well. The issue is that the poor starting happens only when the engine is hot. I went to check the bike out this morning and it started up in 2 seconds.
I did see the posts about the starter motor replacement but the dealer won't do that under warranty. I'll probably wait for the warranty to run out before I do it myself.
Could valve adjustments be an issue ? I probably will do a compression test when the bike is hot to see if something is causing the valves to not close completely when hot.