For Sale Hyperstrada Side Panniers and Brackets

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Oct 22, 2017
Peoria, AZ
Everything needed to put panniers on your Hypermotard.

Bottom bracket is a little deformed due to heat

Everything in the picture $600 shipped CONUSA
It's not from exhaust heat. My bike was involved in the Moto Forza fire from a few years ago. All the plastic pieces on my bike suffered extreme heat from the fire. I have now replaced all the pices as this bracket was the last one. It could be sanded smooth.
Would you sell that front screen thing separately? Looking to put one on the front to make it more "motard-y". I live up in Colorado but actually grew up in Peoria...parents still live there. Maybe you could just leave it at their house and they could handle the shipping.
Would you sell that front screen thing separately? Looking to put one on the front to make it more "motard-y". I live up in Colorado but actually grew up in Peoria...parents still live there. Maybe you could just leave it at their house and they could handle the shipping.

Yes, $40 have them pickup