slow cranking

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It's actually several hours work - there are 1 or 2 bolts that hold the starter motor on from the inside of the left side engine cover. This means draining the coolant, engine oil, and removing the whole left side to gain access.
My bad, I didn't realize it would take that much effort to change the starter motor. I didn't see the work order or service description as the dealer here just basically handed me the keys and said I could be on my way.
Good input. I just did a little research. It seems Ducati has updated this part from a 'TAIGENE' Taiwanese brand to 'Denso' Japanese brand.

The latest part number is 27040104A. The old part numbers are: 27040127A, 27040101A, 27040103A.

I wonder if they replaced my stock one with an older motor before the Denso's came into circulation.

How did u find out which part # has ur starter? I was trying to fund a number on it but no luck :-/
Alright, I guess the # will be on place where the rotor is facing to engine :/ thanks.
Well I went to dealer and talked to them about the slow cranking... he told me the emissions canister gets fuel in it and can cause the slow cranking(sucks the fuel in all at once)... He would not take it off, so I did it.. so far its seems to have fixed the issue... if you are having this issue give it a try. there is a video on youtube
Well I went to dealer and talked to them about the slow cranking... he told me the emissions canister gets fuel in it and can cause the slow cranking(sucks the fuel in all at once)... He would not take it off, so I did it.. so far its seems to have fixed the issue... if you are having this issue give it a try. there is a video on youtube

Hi, yesterday I took a bike back to shop to have a guys to have a look at it. They told me that its gonna be off for next 3wks. I guess this was caused by starter itself (based on their update that the few engine parts is taken apart). Sadly said, lets wait what they bring on table for update.

Btw, bike is still upon warranty, so should not be that expensive for me.
well i took it back to dealer.. they said its normal to crank slow.. i am still under warranty. I have almost 2 years left, we will see. if I get stranded i will call ducati to tow it
My starter was cranking slow. Seemed like it happened all of a sudden. Dealer tested it and found that the starter was taking an EXTRA 60 AMPS to turn over. Without the giant Antigravity lithium battery it would have never turned over.

After waiting a couple weeks, relying on my hoss of a lithium battery, and leaving the bike to idle except for getting gas, I made it until the Denso starter arrived.

All is good now.

BTW: The bike turns over far faster with a big lithium than the lead/acid battery.
So, just installed a Li battery couple months ago, right as my starter was starting to slow considerably. I've since noticed that my starter cranks very slow on first cold start of the day, then noticeable quicker the rest of the day.
do you have apart number for the lithium battery? is it a direct replacement?meaning no mods to make it fit.

The one I have:


Make sure the poles are correct, the front of the battery faces the back of the bike.

OEM battery:

Note that you get more than double the starting power, with half the weight with the big Antigravity lithium battery.
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Li Ion batteries need a little warm to to get going. Try lights on for a brief time before the first crank of the day.