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  1. duc

    Engine Running Temperature - Hyperstrada 821

    I'm assuming this is Celsius, not Fahrenheit 😂 Engine temperature range sounds fine. You mentioned having full history when you bought your Hyper. Are there any service records showing when the radiator was flushed? And if so, what kind of coolant was used? If it's been more than two years...
  2. duc

    First Ducati - Hyperstrada 821 with MIVV Exhaust

    Hello Tom, I have never forgotten about ordering a motorcycle 😂 Congrats on your new Hyperstrada! And welcome to the Ducati Hyper family!
  3. duc

    Ducati Multimedia System for the Hypermotard 698 Mono

    What is the part number for the Ducati Multimedia System for the 698 Mono? I'm assuming it's Ducati Part No. 96681481AA... I don't think it needs to be unlocked by the dealer, because Ducati dealers are selling/shipping to customers without additional requirements or instructions.
  4. duc

    Clutch Nut Failure after Upgrading to 2015 Clutch System

    I remember seeing you just upgraded your clutch last month and it seemed positive, so bummer to hear about this happening after only 200 kilometers... From the Hypermotard 821 Clutch Fix Guide: Ask your Ducati mechanic to compare the clutch nut from your old 2014 versus the new 2015...
  5. duc

    Suspension and Height Differences between Hyperstrada 939 Model Years

    In the VIN you provided, the 10th character is 'G'. According to standard VIN year codes, which cycles through letters and numbers, 'G' corresponds to the 2016 model year (not the production or manufacturing year).
  6. duc

    Suspension and Height Differences between Hyperstrada 939 Model Years

    Congrats on your Hyperstrada 939! Check the VIN number for your Hyperstrada — the 10th digit of the VIN represents the model year.
  7. duc

    Glowing Header and Burning Plastic Smell - Hypermotard 698 Mono

    The glowing headers wouldn't bother me, but I would continue to be cautious if you continue to smell burning anything... The good thing is you had the dealer look into it during the break in period and first service inspection, which is the point of this inspection, and it documents the...
  8. duc

    Hello from Brisbane, Australia with a Hypermotard 698 Mono

    Hello and welcome to the Ducati Hyper family! And congrats on your new Hyper 698! We love pics!
  9. duc

    Glowing Header and Burning Plastic Smell - Hypermotard 698 Mono

    Welcome to the forum. Happy to hear you love the Hyper, and bummer about your recent problems... When is your first service scheduled? What did the dealer say? I would advise taking your Hyper back to the dealer and let them sort out what's going on. It's going to be covered under the...
  10. duc

    Hypermotard 698 Mono Graphic Kits

    Here are the graphic/decal kits for the Hypermotard 698 Mono from Supermofools, they have two graphic kits, along with carbon fiber decals for the front forks. Graphic Kit #1 This graphic kit for the Hypermotard 698 Mono sells for $230 USD Graphic Kit #2 This graphic kit for the...
  11. duc

    Ducati HyperEnduro 698 Mono - Hypothetical

    I would love love love for Ducati to build a HyperEnduro with the 698 engine! I usually tune in to their annual meeting at the end of the year, to see how many units they are selling, and I hope the 698 platform does some amazing numbers for the company and brand! Maybe I love Ducati too much 😂
  12. duc

    World Ducati Week 2024 in Misano, Italy

    The official World Ducati Week 2024 in Misano, Italy has been announced — July 26 to July 28, 2024 at the Misano World Circuit and the Adriatic Riviera. And we have confirmation for this year's event for the "Race of Champions" where Ducati riders compete at the track in a world-class race event...
  13. duc

    Official Ducati Riding Gear for the Hypermotard 698 Mono

    I don't see an official part number designation for the jacket, and it's not showing in the official Ducati shop... Seeing as it's a new product lineup, I would wait another month or two for everything to catch up. It's an entire collection, called the Capsule Collection, and I see this term...
  14. duc

    Hello from Nor Cal

    Hello and welcome to the Hyper family! And congrats on your new 698 Mono! Did the dealer say when it's expected to arrive?
  15. duc

    2024 Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono - EICMA Pictures

    2024 Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono EICMA Pictures Pictures of the new 2024 Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono on display at the Ducati booth at EICMA this weekend in Milan, Italy. No other Hypermotard models were on display at the booth this year. 2024 Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono Standard Powered by...