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  1. T

    Ducati Diagnostics not talking to ECU - Hyperstrada 821

    The faulty coils can burn the ecu, dash, black box, or any combination of them. Most of the time it's the dash that burns out first. If you sent just the ecu it's possible there is another one of the three that is damaged. Also, if you performed the proper diagnostics and only the ecu was dead...
  2. T

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    Dealer does it for free, but I believe it is 51025101A
  3. T

    Hyperstrada 821 ECU Problems

    It is my understanding that the root cause of the issue is faulty coil packs that send current through the system and burns up the ECU, Dash, Black Box, or all of them. The first step is to replace the faulty Beru ignition coils with updated Eldor coils- either from an Aprilia or 848 (which it...
  4. T

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    In my opinion the CANBUS filter is the cheapest option that Ducati chose to address the issue. I suggest addressing the root cause by replacing the faulty Beru coils with Eldor coils - from either Aprilia (linked in my post) or coils from an 848.
  5. T

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    I used google translate because I don't speak spanish. I am not an expert, but I would contact Carmo Electronics to fix this issue if Ducati is not willing to cover it under warranty. Carmo's repair price is a fraction of what Ducati charges for replacement parts. Good Luck.
  6. T

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    Sorry for the late reply and if my post wasn't clear, but I'll try to clarify. I sent all three items (ECU, Dash, and Black Box) to Carmo for repair, but they only needed to repair the dash. I think if you follow the diagnostic steps outlined in my post you'll be able to isolate the fault.
  7. T

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    Hi, My bike is a Hyperstrada 821, for which this is a known issue. I am not sure if this is the same issue affecting your Multi. I used, but received an email from David at Quite confusing with all the companies / domains involved.
  8. T

    Hyperstrada/Hypermotard 821 Carmo "Christmas Tree Dash" Repair Experience

    Hi All, I wanted to share my experience with the "Christmas Tree Dash". In August 2022, my 2014 Ducati Hyperstrada 821 had symptoms of the "Christmas Tree Dash". While riding, I lost power, dash lights started flashing, and pulled to the side of the road. After turning the ignition off and on...
  9. T

    Gauging interest in Hyper Lights V2

    I am also interested if they are still available.
  10. T

    Current MTS owner, considering moving to HS

    I had a multi 1200 and now a hyper. Multi Pros / Cons + Electronic suspension is awesome + Lots of power, probably more than I needed, especially in sport mode + More comfortable seat - Heavy and wide between the legs - Crappy rear brake Hyper Pros: + Smaller, lighter, more narrow, nimble +...