blowing 30A fuses

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2016
OK, having a problem I would like some advice on. My bike has gone dead at work twice. Weird but it has only happened at our office location and after I've already ridden it in.

First time, I rode to my office on base, then to our offices offsite. Came out later to ride somewhere else and 3 30A fuses blown (didn't know I had 3 until then). Assumed a dead short, so I disconnected my jumper cable plug but left other accessories still on the battery. No problem for a while.

Today, started and rode it to our offsite offices. Came out a couple of hours later and main 30A fuse blown.

I'm looking for a chaffed wire but haven't seen anything yet. I've had the recall/upgrade? wiring harness fix done but haven't got around to swapping the plugs (RSV4 plugs).

Open to suggestions on what else it might be...
I would check all wiring behind headlight and along the forks/triple trees.
I have the aux lights but they come on with the head light. It's dead from the go and since they're LEDs, how bad could they be?

There's a lot of crap in with that headlight...I'll have to start taking things apart and look around.

Thanx for the suggestions...
Don't know what exactly the problem is, but that main 30 amp fuse is part of a solenoid - might try replacing that first. Check the wiring diagram carefully, (it's in the owner's manual - bring a magnifying glass) and be systematic.

It seems to me that if there was a problem down the line from the main fuse, one of the other fuses would have blown first. Someone could correct me here if I'm wrong.

The 30A fuse you refer to does go to a circuit that feeds all the other circuits (and fuse boxes), but most directly it is part of the solenoid switch that kicks in the starter motor. That's where I'd start.
OK, I'll do that. Maybe I'll even swap out the start earlier than planned, one off ebay is on the way. I bought a low miles Denso (Japan)...

Remember the first time it blew all 3 30A fuses. I would have expected ONLY to blow 1 and you're done but that's not what happened. Also remember it's dead from the go, before I even get a chance to hit the starter.

Relays are cheap, I'll start there, thanx...
Under the seat, yes...i found the 2 30A fuses there the first time it went, gave up and assumed I had fried the ECU (I had the dash fix in by then) and took it to the dealer figuring I needed an ECU, dealer said there's another in the front fuse box behind the left fairing and there is and they disconnected all of my accessories, 3 new fuses and it's alive...after that I bought a manual which isn't so clear on what fuse values are where....

Second time (Monday), I replaced the main 30A fuse (not the one in the fuse box with all the others) and it starts again...

30A fuse has to be a dead short somewhere or one hell of surge...
Figured this out a couple of months ago. It turns out when I lock my front end with the wheel to the left (parked), it blows the fuses. Dealer thinks I'm crazy but I've proven it repeatedly. It's not my accessories as the dealer had thought when this all started. I have not blown a fuse in months since I stopped locking the head to the left...
I agree with kuksol, this is the place to start.

Also - what if you turn the ignition to lock and don't turn it to the left? I think you can do this. I hesitate to say anything with certainty regarding electrics, but it seems it's either in the wiring harness leading to the headlight/handlebar area, or the ignition barrel. Can you get VOM meter in there and probe to see of things change as you turn the bars, or engage the lock.

Did this all begin after they wired in the canbus filter? If so, that's where I'd look very carefully. Somewhere in my lizard brain I remember mention of issues with poorly installed filters.
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Locking the steering head pushes it all the way to one side. What if you don't lock it, but keep it turned all the way left?

For as long as I don't lock it, no problem, must have something internal to the ignition shorting and when the pin goes into the head, it shorts...I haven't locked the head since and I haven't blown a fuse since, I mean for months now...

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