Custom Made Windscreens?

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Jul 21, 2014
Fairfax, Virginia
I just replied to a post about "which windscreen" to suggest for the Hyperstrada and talked about my Puig Touring screen and Puig small windscreeen extension. After sending the reply, I started wondering if anyone has heard of someone who fabricates custom winscreens? There are lots of custom seat makers and many shops that specialize in custom building or customizing different motorcycles but I've never run across someone who builds custom windscreens. I think a custom fabrication that is wider/taller than the Puig or Ducati Touring screens could be the best answer to wind management on the Hyperstrada.
I am working on a custom windscreen.
I can post a picture of the CAD model tomorrow.
Joecati, thanks for the above info. Kuksul08, thanks for mentioning the CalSci screen which I wasn't familiar with. Just found their website and sure enough, they offer a screen for the Hyperstrada. 4 inches taller than stock screen and 1 inch wider at the top. I'll have to examine the stock screen, the puig screen that I have on the bike and then compare those to the measurements offered for the CalSci screen. I'm not sure that it's going to add enough height and width over the Puig screen to make a difference but it looks good on the bike and I like the fact that it looks flat across the top versus the kind of "V" shape of the Puig, which might make mounting some windscreen extensions easier. There may be one down side regarding the fact that is looks like they only offer the screen in the smoke tint. For someone that has already purchased 2 windscreen extensions in a "clear" tint (i.e. no tint), I would prefer to buy a clear screen. But perhaps they're going to offer it in a clear tint (or maybe they already do, but that fact isn't stated on their website. In any case, thanks for the information -- it looks like another good option.
I just fitted the CalSci screen today. It doesn't have any additional supports like some of the other screens. I have yet to determine if this is going to be a problem or not.