Feedback from the owners of Hyperstrada

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New Member
Mar 15, 2016
New Jersey
Hi everyone,

Just joined, no Hyper yet...been reading up on the forums. I am currently a memebr of the forum as well.
I currently ride a 2011 Ducati Monster 796 and truly have nothing but great things to say about this bike. It's time to change it up and get something more utility driven, light touring, still nimble , sporty ,wind protection etc...
I am considering a Hyperstrada, local shop has a 2015 demo for $10,995, that I will be test riding next week. I have narrowed it down to the Hyper, Tiger 800 XC/XR or even possibly a newer Monster preferably the 1200 (this is more of lust thing-I love monsters). I am looking at used bikes or leftovers on all these models. I even thought about the Multistrada (my bro has one) but it is just out of my price range, too much money for the amount of riding I do. I am a weekend warrior for the most part.
So I am currently looking to get out of that "crunched up" riding position on the monster and looking to get a more upright. I am 6'0 and 190 lbs. I am concerned that hyper will be just as tight. Can anyone comment on their height and weight that's similar to mine and do you feel that the Hyper is too small or made for smaller dudes and dudettes? I am a true Ducati fan at heart so I know they are smaller bikes, even the multi is small compared to a GS100!
A few other question:
1. 2015 owners are you happy with this year model? Any niggles I should now about? Is it a lower version? Demo pricing at 10,995 a good price?
2. Anyone try a Triumph Tiger prior to buying a Hyper? I would like to hear your feedback.

THat's about it, any other feedback you experts can provide will be welcomed! Enjoy your Hyper's and be safe!

I'm also 6'0 ~190 and the riding position is great. Not scrunched at all. But you will notice the peg location is more sport than dirtbike.

I think the only complaints (aside from the electronics issues on the earlier models) are the suspension on the strada isn't the best. A little harsh yet squishy at the same time.
Thanks for the feedback! It sure helps! Glad to hear us taller folks have a chance!
In regards to your other points. I have been reading on the forums and have come across the lacking suspension, but to that point, I have been riding a stock 796 for the last five years so I probably won't notice too much! The electronics issues seemed to have plagued some of the 2013 models I've read in the forums. All good info!

I'm only 5'6 so my riding position isn't significant for you, but I can throw in a thought.
You could always look at the hypermotard which is taller than the Strada. Then if you preferred that you can always add the extra touring items, such as screen and panniers etc to suit your needs??
I'm 6'1 and 185 and I had an '06 MTS before my '14 Hyper. I was also concerned it would be too small but I was wrong. I fit great on the bike and love it. ONLY Issue I had was the seat had a bit of a forward lean so I had a custom shop shave a bit of foam off the transition area of lower to upper seat so I could sit a hair further back. Now it's just about perfect.
I am 5'11" and every other bike's riding position feels passive and stretched now when I am calibrated to my 'Strada.

2015 model here. It's allegedly lower than before (but even local Ducati rep isn't sure about that) but cornering clearance isn"˜t an issue as long as you bother to set up the preload properly.

I get to test-ride various bikes regularly but they mostly feel boring and cumbersome when I hop on them from my Hyperstrada. I have yet to try a Multistrada Enduro but if I don't fall in love with it, I will upgrade the suspension (Hyper's only low point) and keep the bike forever. Absolutely no regrets here.
As far as price goes, I think that is a pretty good deal. I just paid $9499.00 for a 2014 demo with 860 miles. The same dealer in Atlanta was selling 2013 demo bikes for $8999.00. They do charge about $800-$1000 in prep, delivery and tax, if you could negotiate that out of the price your getting for the 2015 I think you would be looking at a really good.
the price is good. here are my $0.02 though.

I really like my hyperstrada. I had a street triple before it. I kinda wish I had gotten a tiger XR is why:

insurance on the ducati is outrageously expensive compared to the tiger. like, call your insurance company before you buy one.

long trip comfort is only so so for me at 5'10 185. I think the tiger would have fit me better.

I'm somewhat nervous about taking the hyper on trips. I've had exhaust springs mysteriously break twice, the center stand helper spring disappeared, occasionally it doesn't seem like it wants to start, the license plate light went out, and my brake lever is mushy. I have 6300 miles on mine. my street triple went 20,000 with almost no issues.

when i was shopping i found the tiger XRX to be quite a bit more expensive (when you included the bags) than the hyper. and the hyper is loads more fun on a back road, and commuting.

so i guess it comes down to what you want to do with it. if longer trips, probably tiger, if canyon carving, hyper. but watch the insurance!
It's a personal choice. Ride the different brands and models yourself as much as possible.

Also, get local info on the dealer, as so much of the success / enjoyment with a new bike can be tied to how well the dealer supports you/your new bike. I have a great Duc dealer in the area, so I don't worry about the little things that can go wrong (and I have had no problems). Overall, Ducati's support for the HS has been very good, as parts with issues have been upgraded or fixed. I think they 2015 is quite solid. It is the lower HS version, so trying a regular Hypermotard or an SP is a good idea, just as a comparison. Triumphs are great too, I'm sure. Try them all....!
Hello everyone,

Thanks to all of you for your feedback and your personal experience thus far with your Hyperstrada's. I am going to test ride the demo 2015 this week, I also found a new 2014 leftover for $11,400 have to call on that one. I also am setting up a demo ride for Triumph Tiger both XR and XC. I need to compare the two against the Hyperstrada. Bottom line I have to try them all right? and make a's hard when you can only have one bike! Thats why my brother bought a multistrada he said, "its a bike that does it all" ..I tend to agree with him but you need to be able to afford it..:cool:

Hello everyone,

Thats why my brother bought a multistrada he said, "its a bike that does it all" ..I tend to agree with him but you need to be able to afford it..:cool:


Two very different bikes. One of the things I love about the Hypers is the compact form, comfortable ergos, light weight relative to power. In my mind the multi is big, heavy and overly complex.

I can tour comfortably on the strada loaded with gear, (and still be lighter than the multi) , blast on the slab to get to real roads and scratch the backroads with joy. Can't ask for much more.

After a full day of riding, I sometimes look at the damned thing parked in camp, and wonder how such a small bike can do so much - and also wonder when it will stop mooing like a cow, but that's another story:).
Oh lord, the mooing is just too much for me! One of these days I'm gonna tear apart the tank vent and try to fix it.

First time I noticed it I was camping and it was pitch dark. I heard the mooing and it wasn't going away so I grabbed my balls and a flashlight to go stare the critter down. I ended up at the bike and had to laugh:)

Then a bear grabbed my that didn't happen.
I enjoy the mooing. And the exhaust valve check at startup. adds character...