Lowering the front?

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Apr 9, 2017
I wonder about maybe raising the forks (lowering the front) on my HS 939 just a touch for better turn-in. I notice I do have to manhandle the bike a bit in the twisties compared to my previous bike. I did a search but couldn't find anything in this forum, in fact I found people who wanted to do the opposite.
So has anyone actually lowered the front end and if so, how many mm did you raise the forks in the triple clamp? How was the handling after?

Thought about it. Loved it when I did it to my R6. I think a little drop for my anthro's would be fine but worry about highway handling suffering.
I'd start with confirming you have the right amount of sag set for the rear shock. Before I got my suspension setup I found that I needed a lot of braking to load the front for turn in. After getting it setup it's nice and neutral, I still sit all the way forward on the seat and lean into the turns when I'm pushing things but that helped a lot. I do recall that part of the setup of the suspension was raising the forks in the triple maybe an eighth of an inch.
I think what others are saying is right, it will turn in better, help keep the front end from going light at the upper end of the speed range of the bike and help load the front end better on the brakes...enjoy...i did it...
Thanks very much for the responses. I think I'm going to give it a try and see how it feels. N4 I would LOVE to upgrade the suspension but I read some very good older posts here and I'll have to save up for that. Badtothebown I see you have an RC51. I had a 2003 SP-2 back in the day, and I still don't know why I sold it.
Yeh, like twins, have 2 RC-51s (2000 SP-1 & 2005 SP-2). My wife has me on a limit of 4 running bikes, so I'm taking the 2000 SP-1 Moriwaki Stage 2 apart. Have enough parts to build a track tool, think I'll do that...then I'll have 5 AGAIN...wish I could retire and just play with my bikes and my wife... '-)
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