Shifter toe peg?!?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Merced CA
So just wondering if anyone can tell me if that part is available by itself or if I'll have to buy the whole shift lever assembly? Dropped the bike today. Thankfully the slider did it's job but there was some damage. See attached pics. I can get the whole assembly for around $120 but I was hoping to just get the little removable peg that goes on the end of the shift lever. I can't seem to find a part number for it though. Any help?


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Yeah I didn't realize it when I posted that the peg isn't a bolt on/removable part. It felt like there was an allen head bolt holding it on but apparently it's press fit in there? So my options are to replace the whole lever or drill a hole and bolt something off of ebay on there. I might just replace the whole lever and then keep/mod the old one and have it as a back up. Wish someone was selling a whole lever on ebay that would work but I can't seem to find one.
I put on woodcraft foldable toe pegs. All you have to do is cut that nub off, drill a hole through the remaining "riveted" aluminum, and bolt on the woodcraft. You will need a slightly longer bolt. The metal is soft so cutting filing and driling is pretty much a cinch - I did remove the lever to do this.
I put on woodcraft foldable toe pegs. All you have to do is cut that nub off, drill a hole through the remaining "riveted" aluminum, and bolt on the woodcraft. You will need a slightly longer bolt. The metal is soft so cutting filing and driling is pretty much a cinch - I did remove the lever to do this.

Oh now that's an idea I like. Foldable in case of another drop it folds instead of breaks! Have you had any issues with it since install? No wonkiness, missed shifts, peg folding in when you're trying to shift on the fly?
Well after 5 minutes with a hand file the nub has been ground off and the lever is now smooth. Going to order that toepeg and next weekend I'll center punch the lever, drill a small pilot hole, then enlarge the hole once the toepeg gets delivered so I know how big to make the hole. Thanks for the suggestions guys!
Oh and aside from the drop I did have a nice ride today. I was actually surprised I didn't miss more shifts after the lever broke lol.


I love that in this pic you can see the road cut into the side of the mountain way off in the distance.



What you can't tell from these last 3 pictures is that the ground is sloped down from left to right. When I went to leave I was going up over a rise and then down to my left back out to the road. Unfortunately I gave it too much gas, lost traction in the dirt/gravel, lost my balance and went down on the left side. Thus causing the problem I have now, a few damaged parts and a bruised ego lol.



Check the inboard side of the rivet that held the old peg on, think it has an already perfectly centered pilot to start with...

I was planning to drill it with the lever still on the bike(supported from the back side of course). If I was going to pull the lever to do it then yeah I would just use that as a guide.

Wow, that road looks flawless! Where is it?

That is "The Little Dragon", Highway 49 from Coulterville to Mariposa. My favorite stretch of road. I usually ride from Merced to Snelling to Coulterville to Mariposa to Cathey's Valley to Hornitos back to Snelling to Merced. That's a good morning ride for me lately.

That is "The Little Dragon", Highway 49 from Coulterville to Mariposa. My favorite stretch of road. I usually ride from Merced to Snelling to Coulterville to Mariposa to Cathey's Valley to Hornitos back to Snelling to Merced. That's a good morning ride for me lately.

Wow, awesome. I have done 49 from Nevada City through Downieville and beyond. I didn't realize it went so far south!
Wow, awesome. I have done 49 from Nevada City through Downieville and beyond. I didn't realize it went so far south!

You're literally missing out on the BEST part of 49. It's only about 15 miles from Coulterville to the top but man it's SWEET! There has been a bunch of construction going on lately so I'll only head up there on Sundays(the only day they take off) and you have to be careful of gravel/dirt in a few spots but it's still really fun. A lot of people will make a run from Coulterville to the top(there's a pull out spot up there they just put asphalt down) and then back down again. It really is a fun road.

A couple more pics for ya,


I've got a similar problem, but didn't drop my bike, I've ground away the levers and footpegs pretty bad now, so much that theres not much left of the brake lever. (trackday fun)
I'm looking at ordering these

I don't ride track or aggressive enough on the street to grind anything down. However, with some of the uphill switchbacks on 49 I've found that it is quite possible to grind my toe sliders if I'm not careful. Imagine how startled I was the first time I felt the slider on my boot grinding across the pavement when I wasn't expecting it LMAO!
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help from the USA

Just checked out the woodcraft Eccentric folding toe peg, Its very reasonably priced at £18 but they want around $50 shipping to the UK wtf.

Can anyone in the USA get me one and post out here to the UK, it'll be about $5 postage for something so small and light.

I'll transfer the $ via paypal as a gift.


Just checked out the woodcraft Eccentric folding toe peg, Its very reasonably priced at £18 but they want around $50 shipping to the UK wtf.

Can anyone in the USA get me one and post out here to the UK, it'll be about $5 postage for something so small and light.

I'll transfer the $ via paypal as a gift.



Sure! I was planning to order mine on Thursday. Was going to order it sooner but will be out of town and want to make sure I'm home when it gets delivered. I can order yours at the same time. What color did you want? Did you want the Woodcraft Folding Toe Piece or the Woodcraft Eccentric Folding Toe Piece? I don't know what the difference is though. I know the eccentric one is a bit more expensive, is only available is silver and requires 2-5 days of lead time before it ships out. The other one is available in black or silver and ships out in 24 hours.

Once I get it I can either ship it in a padded envelope or a small box. I'll get price/shipping quotes for both and you can decide which you want.

Have you checked ebay? You might be able to find one there even cheaper with free shipping.

Send me a PM and let me know what you want to do.
Good luck man . I'm sure you'll be good as new.
Noticing your mirror extensions. Where did you find them. I was going to machine some but I like the looks of yours.
Good luck man . I'm sure you'll be good as new.
Noticing your mirror extensions. Where did you find them. I was going to machine some but I like the looks of yours.

Thanks! It looks like I'll be back better than new in a couple weeks.

The mirror extenders are SW Motech but I think I got them off ebay because they were cheaper. Here's a link to the SW Motech page, Strada mirror extenders. You can probably find them cheaper elsewhere though.

Forgot to say, they really do work well. The raise the mirrors up a bit and out a bit. I basically went from looking at my elbows in the mirror to actually being able to see what's behind me. Definitely a good investment.

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