Stickers? I don't need no stinkin' stickers.

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Well-Known Member
Hypermotard Supporter
May 2, 2015
Dallas, Texas
When I purchased the Hyperstrada the frame stickers were the first think to go. They easily peel off and are in the Owners Manual.

The only issue is remembering the gross vehicle weight rating for annual safety inspection. A Texas requirement.
Cleaner sticker free.

I know TX has vehicle inspections but I can't remember if they check for the sticker. I know most states are not looking for it over here in the east coast. Hell they dont bug most bikes that haven't been inspected at all. lol
Ya I pulled mine off the day I bought it. We don't have inspection here so no need to worry about it. Same goes for the little box on left front side. :)
Cali doesn't require inspections, but if I were to sell my Hyper out of state the lack of a FMVSS certification sticker (the one with GVWR etc.) could be a problem. The other three, probably not.

Didn't matter to me, mine are gone too.
Mine arent pulling off that easily. Little piece by little piece. And there are 5 of them...sigh.. Is it easier to remove them in the cold(it has been as low as -15°F recently) or should I use a heat gun?