Interesting takes on various bikes. I'm just learning the Hyper ... and so far, it's better than I thought it would be on several fronts.
I'm only 5'6" ... so, first off, this little bike FITS ME. (very few really do fit me!) I doubt many riders are my size and I'd surmise most are too big for the little Hyper? (IE: Monkey Humping Football comes to mind!

I've owned over 50 bikes going back to about 1962. Only 2 BMW's ... a 1981 BMW R80GS (wish I never sold it!) and '82 R100RS. (one the least reliable bikes I ever owned!)
Spent lots of hours testing ALL the GS's from R100 up to R1200GS. I disliked ALL the GS's save two: my R80 .. and the R1200GS. The 1200 was SO MUCH lighter and better than all that came before, IMHO. Newest one I have not ridden but by all accounts it even better still ... LOTS more power.
The GS cannot do real trail riding but good on most fire roads. Baja destroys lots of GS's every year. Been there, towed them out, applied the JB Weld to busted cases.
But for our California nasty paved roads, not much better. You can ride the GS all day and not get all that fatigued. Pack the Mule up as much as you like and it won't even notice the load ... and neither will the pilot.
BMW got a lot right with the latest version but they can still be plagued with trouble if you ride a lot of ROUGH, washboard off road. Eats up the final drive.
I'm sure as I put more miles on my new to me Hyper I'll find fault. But so far
here are a few positives I've found in my very short time aboard:
1. Wonderful suspension (Andriano)
2. More comfy than I thought it would be. 3 hours straight ... no problem so far. Getting used to it. Somehow, it works.
3. Once I got used weight & balance, found a good handling bike. I did touch down a few times. But very confidence inspiring for me ... not bad for a FIRST RIDE, as it usually takes me a week on a bike to figure it out and start pushing a bit. Every ride gets better.
4. Wind noise buffeting not bad at all! First shield ever that actually works without mods.
5. This bike not wickedly fast, has weak low end ... but somehow super fun just about everywhere. And if you rev it a bit ... it goes pretty good.
Won't really know until next ride with hooligan buddies (5) riding KTM 1290's. I know on long open straights, they'll be gone. But I'm thinking I may be able to keep pace through tighter corners.
The most experienced guys I know now ALL aboard KTM. If KTM made a bike I could fit on ... I'd own one. Maybe the 690 Duke?
I will keep my DR650 Rat Bike, Baja Blaster. It's better than 80% of all the bikes I've owned or ridden. (No one knows about this bike ... and most could care less)
... except the 25 million members who've read the BIG DR650 thread over on ADV Rider Thumpers.

Truly cheap and cheerful.
If you fit, I'd skip the BMW GS ... get the KTM.