white flashing dash 2013 Hyperstrada

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2015
Charleston, WV
Short story- bike has less than 7k on her. I installed new battery, worked fine. I left it at my buddy's house for a month and found battery drained. (could have been due to slow drain from a usb charger previous owner installed)

We charged battery. It went from reading 3 v to 12 v. Now she flashes white dash. I took 5 second video. See link.

Is my dash fried? :( what are my options?

weird. a fried dash usually as a christmas tree of lights.

I think your battery is too low still. If it dropped to 3V, it's toast. Put a new battery in there and don't let it die.
I hope you're right... I'll try this tomorrow and will update you all either way. Anyone else ever seen a white flashing dash like this?

Tried a new battery. Does the same thing. There was some clicking coming from what sounded like the ecu or something towards the rear end of the bike.

Anything easy I can try before sending her 3 hours away to nearest dealer and waiting a month for them to start on it? To be honest, I'm thinking of trying to sell it as is and cut my losses...
first you need to replace the ELDOR ignition coils, this is a most important!
Clicking would be a relay most likely. Check all your fuses in back and in the box under the left fairing.

I haven't checked fuses. I know I'm being a bit irrational here. But I'm literally getting ready to put it on cycletrader for $2,999, as is. I'm making the profile now.
I haven't checked fuses. I know I'm being a bit irrational here. But I'm literally getting ready to put it on cycletrader for $2,999, as is. I'm making the profile now.

Don't do it!You will find a solution. Step by step, process of elimination...

But if you do, I'll take it.:p
I thought you are supposed to do a swap TO the ELDOR coils from the stock BERU? I just ordered the ELDOR coils, I hope nothing has changed with the info on this mod/swap.

You are correct. Swap to the eldor coils.
While cleaning my 939 the other day I noticed it has BERU coils as well, seems odd that they wouldn't move away from these. That said I don't believe I've heard of any electronics issues with 2016+ (aka 939) bikes. Anecdotally I heard from a local club member that he was aware of at least one 821 'strada that ended up getting upgraded to 939 electronics, whatever that entails, so solve a limp mode issue.