SMR vs Hyper vs Dorsoduro

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Aug 28, 2014
I was going to change from KTM Duke 08 to a slightly bigger bike this summer, and tried an Aprilia Dorsoduro 1200, KTM SMR 990 and Hypermotard 1100 before deciding wich bike to look more into. My general use is driving back and forth to work every day and an occational 4-5 hour ride in weekends. My comment on these bikes is as follows:

It has almost all technical features available and a massive 1200 engine. The size of it was fairly ok. The power is of course massive. Actually it felt too much for a supermotard bike. But how much motard is left on this bike? Not much. It feels more like a adventure-bike stripped for all equpiment. And everything feels kinda "general", and that was my worst drawback. Everything is ok. But I want more than ok. It just didn't make me feel anything. If this is my choice for upgrade I'd rather keep my Duke.

A kind of bigger version of the Duke. This bike is essentially a SMT without hat, so if this bike would make me feel anything I could also consider the SMT aswell. When I started driving it, it is noticable bigger than the Duke. But, the engine and technology felt like it was older than the Duke. The engine didn't impress me either. Mediocre acceleration and the instrument panel was very basic. There was also some vibration issues that I would like to get rid of when moving from a 1-cyl. to a 2-cyl. Too much cross-genes left on this bike. More than on the Duke. Again my current Duke make me feel more comfortable and in control.

This bike is maybe the prettiest of these bikes. The feeling was very strange. It was stable as hell because of the noticable lower gravity point. The engine has a lot of temperament. It kind of wants me to drive bad. Finally this make me feel something. But the handle is quite low making me sit in kind of a forward position like a normal naked bike. The sound was terrific, but that was kind of expected with a Ducati. I guess the engineers work an extra 14 months on the exhaust sound before they release a bike from factory. When I left the dealer I thought: "There is something about Ducati. Now I understand.". My only negative point was the low handlebar and maybe the lack of luggage possibilities.

I drive motorcycle because it makes me feel things. Instead of wasting time on some tram on the way to and from work I can actually have fun while travelling. So do I go for the practical bike or the fun bike? The fun bike of course (to some extent). I'm reading that the 2013-hypers has raised the handlebar some to be able to sit more comfortable. At the moment I couldn't afford a new Hyperstrada, but suddenly I receive an offer for a barely used Hypermotard 2013. And it's 3/4 of the price of a new one. I'm in heat, and have to buy it. I did.

After purchase
After bying it I was pleasently surprised with the fact that I can build on luggage features like the on the strada. And also the lesser engine feels actually more powerful than the old 1100. It feels like it has endless power over the entire register and some real attitude.

I'm a happy Ducati owner! :D
I was down to the 990SMT (which I REALLY wanted to like!!!!) and the Strada. The 990 I demoed was a fellow riders bike with power comander exhaust cat delete and intake. It just didn't do it for me. It seemed like it was too tame. Now thats coming from a guy that races a 450SMR so I have a bias on how KTM motards should be. I did like how much bigger it was in front then the Strada but it just wasn't as much fun to ride.
With the Dorsoduro you will have power and beond.
Bike looks good and handle well. (and as you use to high consumtion on gas, Dorsoduro are as bad as KTM)

If its the hyper 1100 your after its a great and fun bike, but if its the hyper 821 i would recomend the sp version.
The suspension is its weak spot, and only SP version has proper suspention as standard.

If you pick SMR 990 then is just the "same" bike but a bit more power that you have now. (Duke)

If I could travle back in time, I would pick the SP version OR Dorsoduro 1200.
But the only "complain" i can say about the Hyperstrada is suspension wise, its "bad", but he engine is giving me a big smile every time i twist the throttle. :)
Liam cruise over to my suspension thread in the technical form. There are lists of vendors who can fix your suspension woes. I agree the suspension is crap but with aftermarket help you can get to SP level or better for the same cost I bet.
Liam cruise over to my suspension thread in the technical form. There are lists of vendors who can fix your suspension woes. I agree the suspension is crap but with aftermarket help you can get to SP level or better for the same cost I bet.

Will do Strider..
Right now I´m in the process in my mind to justify the 1000-2000 Euro that it will cost me to fix the suspension, or if i should take that money and by a new bike that has good suspension at start and are as fun to drive as my hyper.

The later part is the hard part. :eek:
If you decide to change bikes then I recommend a Triumph Street Triple R.