Hyperstrada problem list

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2015
so from reading around on the site it seems like these bikes have lots of issues? whats everything that normally fails on these things and what years are the worst?
the high beam failed on mine when it was a week old. I replaced the bulb and haven't had any issues of any kind since.
From personal experience:

Slight weeping front the front brake fluid reservoir
Flaky starter motor
Undiagnosed (as yet) piston slap type noise from horizontal cylinder

Be nice to see a list, and possibly links or description of fixes as a centralized resource..
Undiagnosed (as yet) piston slap type noise from horizontal cylinder

well, my vertical cylinder's camshafts got blocked because it didn't get (enough) lubrication. perhaps that's something you should look into?
and by the looks of it, the 1st year models (2013) got the most problems.

-Front disc brakes warped within two weeks. Calipers were to tight.
-Kickstand sensor malfunction.
-Front light bulbs out twice. (don't even last a single year)
Looking good guys! I've started to compile the data into a list:


- Front bulbs blowing in less than adequate service life (Bulb replacement - under warranty?)
- Flaky starter motor (Replacement under warranty)
- Kickstand sensor malfunction


- Front disc brakes warped (Calipers were to tight)
- Weeping seal on front brake fluid reservoir


- Engine knock/piston slap from horizontal cylinder (insufficent lubrication?)

-Starter motor degradation - replaced under warranty
-Throttle unit issue - replaced under warranty


-Brake "pump" caliper seal stiction - "that's normal"
-Squealing/pulsating pads


-Cracked midpipe weld - replaced under warranty
my experience : brighter is the light, darker is the shadow

Hyperstrada May 2013:
all reported issues within the first 8 months
1/ dead bike : ECU update fixed /warranty
2/ clutch cable broken at lever: replaced / warranty ( new part number for the cable)
3/ lost one central stand bolt : replaced /warranty (replaced both with stronger locktite)
4/ dead bike: electrical: ecu replaced, two coils replaced , dashboard replaced /warranty ( one coil was the issue: new part numbers, replaced boths)
5/ steering bearings dead: replaced / warranty ( was causing front brake pulsation)
6/ front bulb dead: replaced /warranty
7/ front left turn bulb: replaced fixed wiring placement /warranty
8/ two recall under warranty, bearing seal install (too late as bearings were deads) and ECU update

Since more than one year runs like a swiss watch, no issues, and still a lot of pleasure to run a bike like this.
I have the chance to have one of the best dealer in the area, very efficient and responsive. First time i was stalled by another D store who "had no time to take care about my problem". I called my dealer to report the situation, 10 mn later, the ducati big boss called directly this dealer manager, and stayed on phone until i was able to take the bike back.
( known issue: ECU update and bike sensors calibration: fixed in 10 mn)

I think that all reported issues were 'common' issue for the first 2013 serie.
All are fixed today. And this is a fantastic bike, with ballistic acceleration, and very safe behavior in all situation:
I did thanks the active DTC / ABS and breaking power action in several situations, where with another bike I think I would have crashed.
Bike is 24000 km today, and i am using it each day all year, and despite the reported issues, as said in the title : brighter is the light, darker is the shadow, but i definitely prefer riding a ducati with its sparkling characters, and have fun and pleasure each time you hit the start button , rather than using whatever you might think it can be compared to the Hyper.

One last thing: fiability depends also from the way you use and take care of the bike, and the time you spend sometimes to put some lub around will always be paid in return, and that is true for all bikes.
Last edited:
- Limp mode issue: since birth; hopefully recall will fix but bike is now out of warranty
- Noisy/ warped rotors: probably just stuck bobbins the entire time but appreciate the Brembo race rotors I got out of the deal
- Seat fitment issues: had to raise crossbeam to catch center latch; fwd left guide/retainer would slip off bobbin, fixed with a washer
- Starter getting weak
- Crack in fwd exhaust can weld: just discovered; doubt I'd get a new can; probably just have a shop throw a spot weld on it; it's on the bottom so nobody would see it.

Have had as any or more problems with new cars I've owned. Loved all of them and love this bike. After 2 years I have that feeling I'll never sell it.
That list should have a number for all of us who have had zero problems with our 2013s. Of course that should include all the owners who have not joined this forum because they have nothing to complain about. There must be hundreds of these.

That said, it looks like the electrics are not happy around water, especially salt water.
That list should have a number for all of us who have had zero problems with our 2013s. Of course that should include all the owners who have not joined this forum because they have nothing to complain about. There must be hundreds of these.

That said, it looks like the electrics are not happy around water, especially salt water.

surprise :D
you are right zippy. lots of ppl never had a single issue. i did hear that its about 33% that had issues but thats just hear say. thats a little high to me.
2013 Hyperstrada (12200km) here, and I've had:

- Bike spewing coolant once the engine temp. gets over 104 degrees celsius,
- Occasional starting problems,
- Grabby front brake.
Had a little time on my hands so I've collated all the information provided in the thread thus far. I'll keep updating the list as people keep adding to the thread. Feel free to send me updates on fixes!


- Issue (Cause and/or Fix)


- Front bulbs blowing in less than adequate service life (Replacement under warranty)
- Turn bulbs dead (Replacement under warranty & Wiring fixed)

- Dead Bike/Disco mode (ECU/Coils/Dashboard) (replacment under warranty)
- Starter motor degradation (Replacement under warranty)
- Kickstand sensor malfunction (Replacement under warranty)
- Throttle unit issue (Replacement under warranty)
- Limp mode issue


- Front disc brakes warped (Calipers were to tight)
- Weeping seal on front brake fluid reservoir
- Brake "pump" caliper seal stiction ("that's normal")


- Engine knock/piston slap from horizontal cylinder (No Fix discovered)
- Cracked midpipe weld (Replacement under warranty)
- Coolant leak (tighten hose clamps)


- Clutch cable broken at lever (Replacement under warranty)
- Centre stand bolts lost (Replacement under warranty & Using stronger loctite)
- Steering bearings dead causing front brake pulsation (Replacement under warranty)
- Seat fitment issues (raise crossbeam to catch center latch)
Great Idea!!!

Headlight/Tail light blown out (replaced warranty)
Throttle issues (replaced warranty) I'm still getting a surge @ 2000rpm, just before she reaches idle. Anyone else has this issue?
Cable Clutch snap (replaced warranty)
Front Brake shuddering/noisy (cleaned bobbins on rotors, no improvement)
Saddle Bags difficult of remove (connections lubed, warranty)

That's it so far.

Just one so far.

My odometer has gone to dashes.
I'll have it taken care of when I take the bike in for the recall.
I have a '14 low. Have done 17,000 klms in seven months....no issues at all.