Poor idle and throttle not responding.

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Jun 17, 2021
Hi All, Brand new here! I brought home a 14 hyperstrada yesterday. i know nothing about these, (learning)
when i got home i rode it to get an inspection so i could get plates, then from there i rode it to the tag office and back.
other than me not being used to the super grabby clutch and looking an idiot trying to leave from a stoplight, everything was fine..
when i left the tag office, it started idled rough and died twice, on the 3rd time it was ok.

i got home and it sat outside for a bit, i fixed a couple of things i didnt like (adjusted shifter, bled the rear brakes)
when i went to go ride it around again, it started, but idled very low and rough (like before) and died.started it back up and twisted on the throttle.
no throttle response..
i played with it for a while trying to get it to work, but still rough idle and no throttle response.
i traced the throttle cable wires and re-seated the connector, as well as the throttle servo plugs.
i disconnected the battery and turned it on to run everything down.. re-connected it and tried again, same thing.

i spent 20 minutes in the service manual trying to figure out what i could, and really got nothing..

very frustrated, i went back down and tried again to get it to run. i tried starting it and then holding the throttle at a bout half way, all of a sudden it started working again..
so i turned it off and re-started (still rough idle) and i held it open again and after just a bit it started working again.

i killed it and tried to start again. this time it idled clean, and the throttle was working.

I've rode it several time since, and no more issues.

does anybody have any idea what this might be?

Thanks in advance!
Sounds like limp mode. If the bike detects any issues (often caused by a bad sensor or electrical fault) it'll drop into limp mode which allows you to ride to the shoulder safely. Last time this happened to me it was caused by a loose ground, so it's very sensitive to that it seems. I've also toasted a few sensors and when those are bad they'll cause the bike to drop into limp mode but usually shutting it off and restarting fixes that issue. Did you see a check engine light?
The throtle tube had a recall/tsb as well. That could cause the issue. I would take it in and have them pull codes, reset TPS and check all recalls(mention the throtle tube/pick up). You have the bike that was plagued with the dreaded clutch 13-early 15. There is a fix for it, you can find it in the forum. If you don't have a waranty then you definitely need to do the Aprilia coil swap DEFINITELY! Your EVAP canister can cause rough idle. There is a step by step for removing it here as well.
thanks! it did it again last night, but i figured out, i just have to let it idle for a bit and it starts working..
i am ordering tools and parts to do the 18,000m service, my plan is to do all of that work, then take it to ducati and have them reset the warnings, check for recalls and updates. i've heard there is also a recall where they add an em filter to the coils to reduce voltage spikes. is that what the aprilla coils do?
i like the idea of removing that big upgly evap canister, i will look for that.
the clutch is quite terrible, ive figured out how to use it now, but as i get more familiar with everything, i think i will definately update it.
hardest for me is to jump between bikes, going back and fourth between Hondas and the Ducati is challenging..
i've learned a bunch in the last 2 days, have a long way to go.. :)
thanks again for your responses!
Limp mode will trip solid red shift light and cap rpm to like 6K. Search "disco dash" for the can bus filter recall. A good shop should honor the recalls/TSBs.
yeah, i dont think this is limp, when it does it, no cel or red light, also twisting the throttle doesnt do anything. might be some sort of sensor safety built in, or possibly the sensor in the bars that senses throttle position.. idk, the more i mess with it, the more i figure out..
the bike has 18,000 miles on it, it clearly has a history of working..
Hey Marty,

Sorry to hear you've been dropped into the deep end of 'Strada ownership! You can work around the grabby clutch but it does need to be sorted out. Your fuelling glitches are something else and I hope you get to the bottom of that. Stick with the Duke; it should reward you more than the average Honda!

Nick, UK
thanks! it did it again last night, but i figured out, i just have to let it idle for a bit and it starts working..
i am ordering tools and parts to do the 18,000m service, my plan is to do all of that work, then take it to ducati and have them reset the warnings, check for recalls and updates. i've heard there is also a recall where they add an em filter to the coils to reduce voltage spikes. is that what the aprilla coils do?
i like the idea of removing that big upgly evap canister, i will look for that.
the clutch is quite terrible, ive figured out how to use it now, but as i get more familiar with everything, i think i will definately update it.
hardest for me is to jump between bikes, going back and fourth between Hondas and the Ducati is challenging..
i've learned a bunch in the last 2 days, have a long way to go.. :)
thanks again for your responses!
Correct, the recall filter was added to prevent the stray voltage spikes of the coils. It's more of a bandaid and not an actual fix. The fix is to just do the coil swap.

One thing that you could also address down the road is, the Strada has a heavier flywheel. Much heavier. They are fairly quick to swap out. The bike will never feel as quick or as adgile as the mortard until you do that flywheel. I took my motard flywheel and turned it down as much as I could. Made the bike feel snappier and exciting.
Before you go worrying about the worst case scenario, start with the basics. Remove the seat and make sure your battery terminals are tight. Then make sure the frame and motor grounds are also tight and no corrosion around them. I spent a week worrying about everything said on here, only to find a loose battery terminal when I was about to remove the O2 sensors.
Ya, disconnecting the battery at the start of even minor maintenance is a great habit. Like rebooting your phone or pc. Helps rule out dumb **** most of the time.
i finished doing the desmo service on it wednesday, i also did air filter, oil change, plugs, and removed the evap canister. New tires too.. it still does the throttle thing occasionally but i've learned just let it idle for a bit and then you get the throttle back.
got my first cel on it today (2 times)on the highway, but they cleared, and no errors were stored.
I've pretty well gotten used to the clutch (dont look like such an idiot at red lights)
i've put a couple of hundred miles on it, i like it, fun little bike for banging around town, not great on the highway.
it has the journey seat, i dont care much for that, i'm gonna start watching for a hypermotard race seat, (or maybe make a cover and re-foam the one i have)

one thing i noticed about it thats alot like my crf, they are both fun to ride, but when i get on the goldwing i appreciate it more :)
thanks for all of your input.. this seems to be a fantastic community, i've also joined some of the fb groups (and i'm sure some of you are on there too),.
thanks for having me.. :D
Correct, the recall filter was added to prevent the stray voltage spikes of the coils. It's more of a bandaid and not an actual fix. The fix is to just do the coil swap.

One thing that you could also address down the road is, the Strada has a heavier flywheel. Much heavier. They are fairly quick to swap out. The bike will never feel as quick or as adgile as the mortard until you do that flywheel. I took my motard flywheel and turned it down as much as I could. Made the bike feel snappier and exciting.

Araitim, what is this flywheel? (Sorry, I am not fluent in english, so some terms are unknowing by me, mostly the technic terms)
As regards the flywheel, the only experience I've had is with a Ducati Pantah derivative, the Cagiva Alazzurra, on which I fitted an upgraded ignition with lighter flywheel. Surprisingly, that 600+cc is still the most tractable twin I have, despite the lower flywheel mass. Conversely, I've always put the lightning (manual) gearchange of my HS down to a light flywheel, but now we hear it is relatively heavy. With the herky-jerky fuelling of these motors, the last thing one would consider sensible is removing weight from the f-wheel! YMMV indeed.
thanks! it did it again last night, but i figured out, i just have to let it idle for a bit and it starts working..

When you had this problem, did it always start, idle, and run normally when the engine was cold, and only act up when the engine was hot (like after a short stop)? Did you eventually fix this?

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