"Flashing Dashes" Odometer Error

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Active Member
Aug 27, 2013
Tacoma, Washington
Hey all,

I just wanted to get feedback from the HS forums regarding my problem.

I left on a trip a week ago, and left my HS chained up to my Yamaha for the duration. I routed the chain around the frame, next to the engine, on the left side. I got home a few days ago, go to start 'er up, and the odometer on the dash is flashing dashes "------". A poke into the manual gives a blatant "Call your dealer" which I did. Ducati Bellevue told me to unplug the battery ground and let it sit to reset. I left it like that for the rest of the day, started it up again, and the problem persisted. I grabbed my gear for the heck of it, rode around the block, the 1/4 mile to the grocery store, and back with zero issues. I pushed it towards 6 or 7K RPM in 1st seeing no limiter kick in or any other sign of issues. I haven't taken a look at the left side, not knowing what it's supposed to look like if I bumped anything, but I can take pictures tomorrow when it's light out. DB opens back up tomorrow, so I'll give them a call again for advice or a service appointment.

Before then, again, what's your take?
Check those two threads. Ducati is saying that it's a 1/1000 bike issue, but it seems to be happening more than that from what I've heard on this forum and ducati.ms
Nobody ever posts to say they haven't had a problem though.
I checked the first thread already, and I'm having 0 of those errors. The second seems to be similar to the first.

I forgot to grab pictures this morning. Phone to dealer and pictures to you at lunch.
Call Ducati roadside assistance. They were actually awesome. They scheduled the pick-up of the bike and delivered it to the dealer for me.
I had the same problem. I was in Ducati and HS get new ECU update.. But where was a problem, i dont know..
A late update on this...

The hyper stores your odometer reading in two places: the dash where it displays it, and the bike's "black box". When the readings in these bits don't match, the bike throws up an error code (the dashes) on the odometer. Why does this happen? I heard things from the service and sales guys like stand-up wheelies (which I don't do), excessive rear wheel spin with ABS on (which may have happened), or a pinched communication cable between the two that results in a grounding or short.

End result, it took an hour to ride there and 5 minutes once the bike was in the shop for them to hook up an external controller and pick a reading to be the correct one.
Good to know. That would have to be a lot of wheelies and rear spin. I mean, you'd think they would build in some margin of error. I do a little of both but nothing that logs significant mileage. When you have redundant instruments, you need one master and one slave that correlates with the master.

Is anybody walking their Strada for miles down the highway or melting their tires on burnouts?
I did quite a few burn out outs and smoked the rear tyre a few times, I got an error showing with the traction and abs on the dash, but that always reset itself no problem.
Talked a lot with a tech at the dealership yesterday. He had lots to share about the odometer cross-talk.

When error develops between the two sources, at some point it will throw the error/dashes (he couldn't remember how much it takes). It should default to higher reading and the dealer can reset them. As there are many situations where the front and rear tires turn at different speeds, this is bound to happen eventually.

Supposedly they had a customer that was digging around the in sub-menus and somehow accessed an odometer calibration page. The guy didn't know what he did to get there and the tech had never heard of such a function.
Now its me... just 6 blinking dashes at the total milage counter. Problem started at about 12000km. Everything else works fine and I keep on riding until I get to the dealer. I hope its solved as easy as posted in this thread.
Odometer reads ------

On a great ride today from Northern VA, west out through WV, then North into Northwestern PA. About 175 miles into the ride after stopping for fuel, noticed on the restart that the odo is reading ------. Rest seems ok. I had been riding pretty quickly and giving the bike some stick. Anyway, for the next 100 odd miles, the check engine light would flash every 3 - 5 minutes for a second or so. After the next refuel I did not see the check engine light come on while riding.
I am guessing I got the same issue as AJsarge - see first post under this topic.
Bike is 10 months old and about 7,500 miles.
You always say it probably will never happen to me :D Well yesterday riding to work, stopped to fill up with gas and upon start up, sure enough ---------- on the odometer. :eek: Everything else seems to be working fine but my Butt dyno is feeling that it is running rough under about 4K RPM. :confused:

Will try and get to the dealer this weekend and see what they say.

Maybe I should stick to riding my Ural as it has been more trouble free that the Hyper. :(

Update: A quick visit to the dealer today and they reflashed the ECU and did a couple of firmware updates. All is fine now. Sometimes I miss riding a motorcycle instead of a computer. :D

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